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Your Complete Guide to Website Building

Welcome to our free resource guide on website building! Learn the basics, coding, and web design, as well as how to ensure your website is successful post-launch.


The Basics


The 2 Paths That Determine How Long It Takes to Build a Website

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and chances are, neither was your favorite website.Most of the time, creating a website from start to finish takes time, energy, and money.



Tips for Coding Websites (If You’re a Beginner)

Everyone who is now an expert in their field had to start somewhere. And that somewhere is the beginning.

Web Design


9 Web Design Tips From the Experts

There’s a lot that goes into website building, and its overall design can seem like a daunting step in the process. Especially when you consider that 48 percent of people cited that a website’s design is the number one factor in determining the credibility of a business.



9 WordPress Tips from the Experts (If You’re a Beginner)

Interested in creating a WordPress site, but not sure where to start? You’re not alone, especially when you consider how much there is to know about website building and setting up a WordPress site. How do you know you’re going about things the right way?



11 Ways to Get Traffic to Your Website (+Climb the SERPs)

You’ve poured your heart into your website. It’s taken your blood, sweat, and tears to get it perfect. Now what?



How to Become a Web Developer: Skills, Steps, + Advantages

Every idea for a website starts somewhere. Chances are it started with someone coming to the realization that they knew nothing about website building and they needed a web developer to spearhead the project.

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