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Curated Content Hubs

Your time is valuable. Cut through the noise and dive deep on a specific topic with one of our curated content hubs.

Design & Development

App Development Thumbnail

App Development

Become an app developer in no time with our guide to programming languages, helpful free tools and developing on iOS vs Android.

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Graphic Design Thumbnail

Graphic Design

Design ranges from creating your first brand logo to the fascinating science of color psychology. Browse our design hub and rev up your creative mind.

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Website Building Thumbnail

Website Building

A navigable, aesthetically-pleasing website is integral for success online. If you’re not sure how to get started, our hub on creating and designing websites is here to help.

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Advertising Thumbnail


Become the next Mad Man or Woman with this comprehensive hub on all things advertising, including targeted advertising strategies, measuring success, and the trends you need to know.

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Customer Reviews Thumbnail

Customer Reviews

Your reputation precedes you — in the form of customer reviews. Discover how to generate customer reviews and handle negative reviews.

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Email Marketing Thumbnail

Email Marketing

Improve your open and conversion rates with this hub on email newsletter design, enticing email copy, and avoiding common email mistakes.

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Event Planning Thumbnail

Event Planning

Obviously, you want your event to be a success, and we’re here for you. Learn how to plan and host a sustainable, exciting event that pays off.

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How to Use Facebook Thumbnail

How to Use Facebook

The Social Network remains incredibly popular. Keep your profile up-to-date with these important basics.

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How to Use Instagram Thumbnail

How to Use Instagram

Whether you’re an average user or an influencer, this hub is for you. We’ll teach you how to upload an engaging picture that gets more likes in no time.

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Social Media Marketing Thumbnail

Social Media Marketing

Harness the power of social media to reach new audiences. This hub will guide you on marketing strategies for Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube, and Instagram.

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Types of Marketing Thumbnail

Types of Marketing

Want to become a full-stack marketer? Lean on us to learn the basics of brand marketing, content marketing, email marketing, and more.

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Productivity & Management

Professional Development Thumbnail

Professional Development

We want you to succeed but are less annoying than your parents. Take our advice on professional growth, job hunting, crushing your job interview, and how to quit when you’re ready.

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Human Resources Thumbnail

Human Resources

Keep your employees happy and healthy with thoughtful employee training, talent management, benefit packages, and onboarding. Learn how here!

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Project Management Thumbnail

Project Management

Sure, every job has some element of project management involved, but are your skills as sharp as they could be? Get the most out of your project management tools (or find a new skill!) here.

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Sales & Growth

E-Commerce Thumbnail


E-commerce has never been more approachable for businesses and budgets of all sizes. Learn how to get your product in front of the right people on all the hottest platforms.

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E-Commerce Thumbnail

Business Development

Welcome to our free resource guide on business development fundamentals, prospecting, outreach, leads, careers, and much more!

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AI Thumbnail


We’ve broken down the topic of AI into less complex, more digestible pieces - from chatbots to emerging technology, this is the place to learn.

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Cyber Security Thumbnail

Cyber Security

Keeping your data safe and secure is understandably top of mind for you - we get it. That’s why we’ve put together a comprehensive knowledge set on digital, data, and network security.

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Data Analysis Thumbnail

Data Analysis

Data analytics has never been easier to understand. Get in-depth on social media analytics, business analytics, advanced analytics, big data analytics, and machine learning.

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G2 Content Series

REACH 2019 Thumbnail

REACH 2019

How did G2 pull off our first conference ever? Read all about it and learn some tips and tricks for your own events.

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1M Unbiased Reviews Thumbnail

1M Unbiased Reviews

G2 gathered 1 million software reviews and counting in 2019. Learn how we leveraged email, partnered with vendors, found reviewers on social media, and made a difference with G2 Gives!

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The Road to 1 Million Thumbnail

The Road to 1 Million

In 2019, our Learning Hub hit 1 million organic visits in a month - a huge milestone for us. Curious about how we did it? Check it out.

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WFH Guide Thumbnail

WFH Guide

In collaboration with Owl Labs, the whole G2 content marketing team did a full work-from-home week - these are our takeaways, plus lessons for current and future remote workers.

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