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Your Complete Guide to Project Management

Welcome to our free resource guide on project management basics, project management tools, the methodologies and knowledge areas you need to know, and much more!


The Project Life Cycle


The Project Life Cycle: Five Steps to Know by Heart

You know the cycle of the moon, and the cycles of your washer and dryer, and the cycle of emotions you go through when watching Grey’s Anatomy.

The Methodologies


13 Project Management Methodologies and When You Should Use Them

A methodology is any way of doing things; the process or procedure you take to accomplish a task or goal.

Knowledge Areas


6 Vital Steps of the Project Scope Management Process

When a project manager begins work, they want to make sure all steps in the process are accounted for.

Project Management Tools


Creating the Perfect Project Plan Template

Having a plan helps you reach your goals, stay under budget, and meet your deadlines.

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