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Your Complete Guide to Artificial Intelligence

Welcome to our free resource guide on artificial intelligence fundamental knowledge, chatbots, industries using AI, AI and emerging technology, AI in the news, AI career-building tools, and much more!


Fundamental Knowledge


What Is Artificial Intelligence? Everything You Need to Know

The term artificial intelligence might take you back to those sleepless nights when the T-800 from The Terminator haunted you like nothing before.



What Is a Chatbot? The Full Guide to Chatbots in 2020

A chatbot is a conversational piece of software powered by pre-programmed responses or artificial intelligence to answer questions without the need of a human operator.

Industries Using AI


AI in Healthcare (+5 Ways It’s Used in 2020)

With continuous advancements in healthcare and medicine, it’s easy to see how integrating AI technology into the processes by which people achieve health is inevitable.

AI & Emerging Technology


Understanding Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are trending terms in the tech sphere that are often – and incorrectly – used interchangeably.

AI in the News

ai in the news

Meet Q, the First Genderless AI Voice Assistant

Virtue, a creative agency, alongside collaborators Equal AI, Copenhagen Pride, Koalition Interactive, and thirtysoundsgood, has developed the first gender-neutral voice assistant, Q.

AI Career-Building Tools

ai for careers

7 Top AI Jobs to Flex Your Artificial Intelligence Prowess

By now, we know that AI is a fast-scaling sector. It’s scaling so fast, in fact, that the job market for artificial intelligence-centered roles is expanding rapidly.

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