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How Artificial Intelligence Affects Software Development

October 19, 2019

Artificial intelligence is buzzing across the globe with evolving technologies than ever.

AI technology is said to be transforming all the business functions, so how can the software industry be an exception? Software is seen at the core of all the innovations in our daily lives. In the past few years, software development technologies are witnessing a huge transformation for enhancing human lives. The impact of AI on software development manages efficient changes on how the enterprises can run the business and make Intelli-smart software.

Currently, there is a completely new paradigm for inventing technology other than the machine learning techniques which are used to accelerate the traditional software development lifecycle (SDLC). In traditional times, developers needed to specify their requirements in advanced and then hand engineer all those features in order to develop a computer program. It is possible to encode multiple tasks using traditional computer tactics before the AI came into the picture. 

All of the software enterprises are adopting the most emerging technologies for software development in order to stay abreast of the competition. It is forecasted that the use of artificial intelligence in software development will definitely improve the agile test automation, automated testing software, and overall software development. It will also pave a way for robotic process automation (RPA) bots to function accordingly with the assistance of the software where the ultimate goal of AI tools will be to make an easier, faster and reliable software development.

What changes does artificial intelligence make into your development cycle? How does the software development paradigm changes? How can you leverage the potential benefits of AI against the traditional approaches? If you have the same query, then stay tuned as we are going to figure out answers to all of these. Let’s get started.

The impact of artificial intelligence on software development

AI is definitely going to impact the way we build the application and experience the best of it under the existing environment. Artificial Intelligence is definitely going to shape the future of software development as the businesses are getting more curious about AI technology. It is estimated that around 80% of the companies are investing in AI, and 47% of digitally mature companies are defining AI strategies. For future predictions, artificial intelligence tools are going to create $2.9 trillion in business value.

In order to adopt the AI strategy, you need to understand the role of AI in software development by analyzing what can be changed. Here are some of the core functionalities offered by AI into the software development to deliver the extreme customized products or services for your end-users.

Requirement gathering

It is one of the conceptual phases of SDLC where you need human intervention at its max. AI offers a broad range of tools and techniques such as Google ML Kit and Infosys Nia for automating certain processes in order to minimize the human efforts up to some point. Such an automated phase helps to detect the loopholes before moving to the design.

There’s an AI technique called natural language processing (NLP) that helps machines understand the user requirements in natural language by driving the high-level of software models on an automatic basis. There are some troubles with this approach by incorporating all the difficulties in balancing out the developed systems. Moreover, it remains one of the best hot researched topics. 

TIP: Discover all of the top-rated NLP software solutions for your needs on G2. 

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Design of the software

It requires specialized learning and experience when it comes to planning and designing software projects in order to propose a unique solution. Setting the correct design for each phase needs to be an error-prone task for the designers. With the retracts and future investigating plan helps to make dynamic changes to the design until and unless the client reaches the desired solution. By automating a few complex procedures using artificial intelligence tools, you are allowed to enable the most capable methods in order to protect the designs.

Take an instance of AI Design Assistant (AIDA), most of the designers are able to understand the needs and desires of the client as well as use the same for designing a similar project. AIDA works as a website building platform which helps to examine different combinations of software design by presenting the appropriate customized design according to the customer requirements.

Automate code generation

It is time-consuming and labor-intensive to take a business idea and write the code for the huge project. In order to save time and bucks, developers are approaching to opt for a solution that helps to writes code before starting development. With the uncertainty of what the purpose of the target goal is to collect these details which can be really time-consuming if you write the code from scratch.

AI-based assistance reduces these loads to some extent by automating the code generation and detects the bugs from the code. Take an instance of a project where your idea in your natural language and your system can understand it by converting it into executable code.

AI-oriented testing services

One of the most crucial phases of software development is software testing that helps to ensure product quality. If a certain software testing is done on a repeated basis then the source code needs to be changed by repeating the same tests which are more time-consuming and a bit expensive.

There is a wide range of software testing tools to employ AI for creating test-cases and performing regression testing. All of these AI tools help to automate the testing services in order to ensure error-free testing. For instance,, Functionalize, and Appvance are a few of the artificial intelligence and machine learning-oriented testing platforms.

Benefits of AI in software development

Traditional software development is not going anywhere but it is getting a modern touch of AI. All of the critical components like front-end product interfaces and security and data management can be easily handled by regular software. Here’s how SDLC can be benefitted from the AI approach.

Quick prototype

Transforming your business requirements into technological solutions needs plenty of time and planning. Therefore, with the help of machine learning, the developers can shorten this process by simply enabling the less technical domain professionals in order to develop the technologies by using visual interfaces of natural languages.

Intelligent assistants

Programming developers are spending major time in reading the documentation and debugging code. With the help of intelligent programming assistants, the developers can save their time by providing in-time support and recommendations like best practices, code examples, and relevant document.

Error handling and automatic analytics

When the technology is deployed, machine learning helps to analyze the system logs for much rapid and proactive flag errors. For future days, it is possible to enable the software for changing the error response without any human intervention dynamically.

Code refactoring

A simple and clean code is essential for team collaboration and long-term maintenance. As the enterprises are upgrading to the latest technologies, it is mandatory for the large-scale refactoring to be unavoidable and get some less painful necessities.

Accurate estimates

It is seen that often the software development overflows the pre-decided budget and deadlines. To cope up with this, accurate estimates need deep expertise, context understanding and being familiar with the implementation team. Machine learning helps to train the data from past projects be it user stories, feature definitions, and estimates for predicting the effort and budget.

Strategic decision-making

With the significant amount of the time spent on variant products and features, it helps the developers to decide which has to be more prioritized and which one to cut out. Such an artificial intelligence platform can be trained by gaining experience from the past mistakes of the development projects to aid in assessing the performance of the existing applications. This will help both the developing teams and businesses to identify the efforts for maximizing the impact of the risks by reducing it up to the maximum level.

The future ahead

Despite everything, the ultimate question is whether artificial intelligence can help to subvert the human need for technology development. There’s no doubt in how huge growth we are witnessing for AutoML solutions that aim to automate the pieces of the machine learning model training process thereby reducing the workload of the data scientists to enable domain experts for training the production-quality models.

There are multiple AI-oriented solutions available in the market for automating or streamlining the key components of data preparation, model search and tuning, model deployment and scaling for example - Google Cloud's AutoML, Amazon Sagemaker, and's Driverless AI.

In general, artificial intelligence seems to have a significant impact on the design and creation of the software. The software development companies are required to adopt the potential benefits of AI which proves to be a game-changer in software development. 

Learn more about connected AI technologies directly on our AI knowledge hub that contains over 50 incredible resources. 

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How Artificial Intelligence Affects Software Development Learn how artificial intelligence affects software development and how you can start using it yourself.
Harley Marsh Harley Marsh is a Technology Trend Observer at eTatvasoft, a mobile app development company. He likes to write about technology trends, leadership, SEO, entrepreneurship, business trends and many more things about IT services. Please visit this link to learn more about his company.

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