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Industry Insights (5)

Industry Insights

Data Hygiene Hacks for Email Marketers With Phonexa

Attention spans are shrinking. Data helps your emails make every second count.

Industry Insights

Creating Core Memories: How to Build Emotional Connections with Customers

It isn’t called the attention economy for nothing. Today’s brands don’t just compete with their...

Industry Insights

A CEO's Insights Into Modernizing Maintenance Marketing

Inspiration can strike anywhere, any time. As I’ve pivoted to the role of a business leader, my...

Industry Insights

Subscription Success Secrets: Fueling Efficient Growth Strategies

As marketers, it’s in our DNA to drive growth and achieve results. Let's play a game. Raise all ten...

Industry Insights

Award-winning Data Veteran Deborah Womack on Taking the Road Less Traveled

We’ve all heard that February is Black History Month, March is Women’s History, April is Autism and...

Industry Insights

Fighting ‘Nothingness’ in Tech Consulting with Brightr Founder

The NeverEnding Story is my all-time favorite movie. If you grew up in the '80s or '90s, chances...

Industry Insights

Usercentrics’ Adelina Peltea on the Emerging Trend of Privacy-Led Marketing

For decades, marketers have thrived on a seemingly endless supply of user data. Third-party...

Industry Insights

Unlock the Power of User Insights with Survicate CEO Kamil Rejent

Are you tired of investing significant time and resources into product development only to find...

Industry Insights

GoLinks’ Jorge Zamora on Building a Successful Tech Startup

Startups are more than their outward success. Behind the glossy exterior, every day, the founders...

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