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Sales (2)


How to Become a Real Estate Agent: A Step-By-Step Guide

As a profession, real estate can offer countless growth opportunities for those willing to work...


Sales Prospecting: Tips and Techniques for a Valuable Pipeline

Maintaining a healthy sales pipeline hinges on effective sales prospecting

Contributor Network

AI in CRM: The New Language of Customer Engagement

Artificial intelligence (AI), an inevitable part of our lives now, can actually be the answer to...


What Is Annual Contract Value (ACV)? Calculation and Examples

Signing on the dotted line screams big commitment for a buyer and good news for a seller.


Top Line vs. Bottom Line: A Quick Guide for Business Owners

Are you tired of chasing revenue without seeing a profit?


What Makes a Contract Null and Void? These Mistakes Do.

Details matter. Especially in legal agreements.


How to Become a Property Manager: Steps and Skills Required

It’s never too late to make a career move, especially if you’re interested in the real estate...

Contributor Network

The Role of Email Verification in Prospecting

Email is one of the most powerful tools for connecting with potential customers. It allows sales...


How to Write a Contract: Essential Tips for Beginners

In simple terms, a contract is a promise.

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