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Marketing (14)

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What's Your Returning Customer Rate and How to Improve It

Why should you be obsessed with your returning customer rate (RCR)?


GTM Innovators 2023 Wrap-Up

Season 1 of the GTM Innovators podcast has been a journey of exploration and discovery, where I’ve...

Contributor Network

Buyer Intent Data: Identify and Prioritize Sales-Ready Accounts

It’s no secret that B2B marketing teams are being held accountable for their influence on the...

Contributor Network

LinkedIn Analytics: Leveraging Performance to Perfection

LinkedIn has proven to be the most powerful social media for business people and salespeople.

Contributor Network

10 Steps for Creating an Effective Social Media Workflow

It's Tuesday morning, and you're running on empty: no content or ideas. Stress mounts as you...


What Is Product Marketing? The Business Guide You Need

There’s been a definite shift into a more product-orientated world in recent years.


Using Micro Influencers on Your Site to Capture Enterprises

While aiming to promote your brand or product on social media, securing an influencer with a...

Contributor Network

Make Your Startup A Success With These 10 Startup Metrics

You can’t run a successful startup on gut instinct alone.

Contributor Network

Event Data Collection: Turn Attendee Insights Into Strategies

As the digital world moves toward a cookie-free environment, marketers must source first-party...

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