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Samudyata Bhat

Samudyata Bhat is a Content Marketing Specialist at G2. With a Master's degree in digital marketing, she currently specializes her content around SaaS, hybrid cloud, network management, and IT infrastructure. She aspires to connect with present-day trends through data-driven analysis and experimentation and create effective and meaningful content. In her spare time, she can be found exploring unique cafes and trying different types of coffee.


What Is Data Storage? Types, Trends, and Solutions

Filing cabinets are obsolete. So are storage silos and reactive backup plans.

9 Best Free Voice Recognition Software of 2025

Written content doesn't always serve the purpose; people are switching more to voice recognition to...

G2 Voices

Clicks vs. Customers: Building Audience-Centric Content with an ICP

Imagine you spend hours crafting an engrossing blog post with eye-catching visuals and a punchy...

Industry Insights’s Praveen Das on B2B Sales and Account Intelligence

Building a startup is no walk in the park. It's a constant race fueled by passion, caffeine, and a...


Top 11 Free 3D Modeling Software in 2024

Every digital and physical production benefits from 3D models used in animation, video game...

How to Build a Hybrid Cloud Architecture: Features and Benefits

The cloud reigns supreme in today's era of digital evolution. It gives organizations of all kinds a...


What Are Legacy Applications? Types, Challenges, and Solutions

In an era of rapidly advancing technology and ever-growing user expectations, companies must...


What Is Failover Clustering? How Does It Work + Solutions

Companies that need online transactions cannot afford server breakdowns. As a result, these...


What Is Data Archiving? Goals, Techniques, and Best Practices

Every click, swipe, or tap continues a data trail that adds to the vast mosaic of our online world....

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