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Grace Pinegar

Grace Pinegar is a lifelong storyteller with an extensive background in various forms such as acting, journalism, improv, research, and content marketing. She was raised in Texas, educated in Missouri, worked in Chicago, and is now a proud New Yorker. (she/her/hers)


How to Become an Editor: Characteristics of Success

Some jobs are so coveted, so powerful, that people take to the internet to learn how to find them.


How to Accept Credit Card Payments Easily: Ideas and Examples

When I walk into a store and see the phrase “cash-only,” I panic. I almost never have cash, and I...


What Is the Federal Unemployment Tax Rate in 2020?

In the same way that employees pay taxes to the state and federal governments, employers and their...


Is Accounts Receivable an Asset?

A “current asset” includes any cash and assets that will be converted to cash within a year.


6 Foolproof Strategies for Building Credit

The concept of “building credit” can feel kind of elusive.


How to Turn Freelance Proofreading into a Full-Time Career

Freelancing is a growing trend: for writers, accountants, and social media managers alike.


Politics at Work: How to Tread Soft Ground

Growing up, I knew there were two things you didn’t discuss among mixed company: religion, and...


10 Best Travel Credit Cards to Get Right Now

Few things are better in life than jumping onto a Boeing 737 and flying away from whatever’s...

how to

How to Record Audio on Mac: Two Simple Strategies

Whether you’re taking a voice lesson, interviewing your role model, or trying to send a guitar riff...

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