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Grace Pinegar

Grace Pinegar is a lifelong storyteller with an extensive background in various forms such as acting, journalism, improv, research, and content marketing. She was raised in Texas, educated in Missouri, worked in Chicago, and is now a proud New Yorker. (she/her/hers)


The State of France's Tech in 2020

France and, notably, Paris have long been cultural architects. Fashion, literature, art, cuisine,...

Social Media

5 Ways to Get a Reply to Your LinkedIn InMail

“InMail” is LinkedIn’s version of instant messaging, and it can be useful for a variety of...


Risk Management Plan Examples Created by Experts

Risk management is the process of determining what all could go wrong throughout a project life...

Social Media

What is Flickr? An Intro Guide to Photo Sharing

Before Instagram exploded, we had Flickr.


What Should Your Business Case Analysis Do?

I analyze everything.


What's Your Type? Four Types of Managers Every Project Needs

We don’t always like to think we have a “type.”

Social Media

How to Add Someone on WhatsApp in 4 Simple Steps

WhatsApp is a communication platform that allows users to call, text and video chat through an...


Stakeholder Theory: What Is it and Who Counts?

In a capitalist economy, it’s easy for companies to convince themselves that their bottom line is...


3 Project Quality Management Concepts You Can’t Succeed Without

Before I buy anything, I ask for people’s opinions about the product and try to find reviews online.

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