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Grace Pinegar

Grace Pinegar is a lifelong storyteller with an extensive background in various forms such as acting, journalism, improv, research, and content marketing. She was raised in Texas, educated in Missouri, worked in Chicago, and is now a proud New Yorker. (she/her/hers)


6 Vital Steps of the Project Scope Management Process

When a project manager begins work, they want to make sure all steps in the process are accounted...


Lean Into Lean Project Management: Maximize Value, Minimize Waste

The term “lean,” in relation to business strategies, was actually developed on the manufacturing...


Virtual Project Management: Not as Scary as it Sounds

Virtual project management? What is this, Ready Player One?


Using Project Portfolio Management (PPM) to Determine Value

A portfolio is a collection of your best work, put forth in the hopes of making a positive...


Meet Milestones With Critical Chain Project Management

They say there are two ways to skin a cat (ew), and there are even more ways to manage a project.


What Is PRINCE2 Project Management Methodology?

“Someday my prince will come,” was a big phrase throughout my Disney-filled childhood.


Change Management Process: How to Handle the Inevitable

Change is hard, and some people do not handle it well at all.


Top 11 Free Calendar Tools to Use in 2020

If you’ve seen the movie “27 Dresses,” you remember the scene where Jane realizes she’s lost her...


10 Free Call Tracking Tools to Help Sales Professionals

If Grandma doesn’t answer her phone, you leave a voicemail. If your spouse doesn’t answer, they...

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