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Devin Pickell

Devin is a former senior content specialist at G2. Prior to G2, he helped scale early-stage startups out of Chicago's booming tech scene. Outside of work, he enjoys watching his beloved Cubs, playing baseball, and gaming. (he/him/his)


How to Write on Medium: Tips and Best Practices

Ever felt like your words were lost in the vast ocean of online content?


What Is Cached Data? Should You Keep It or Clear It?

Have you noticed how opening an app or visiting a website for the first time takes longer?


Is Inventory a Current Asset? Some Examples

Have you ever sold something you own on a digital marketplace for cash? Have you ever used this...


5 Types of Work From Home Apps That Enable a Remote Workforce

More people are working from home now than ever before, and for some, having this type of...


How to Become a CEO (+Advice from 5 Leaders)

“Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while...


12 Experts Explain How to Be a Good Manager

Managing people and accentuating their strengths can be one of the most challenging tasks in...


#G2Fireside Twitter Chat Roundup: Big Data in Marketing

There are few things marketers love more than data.


The 13 Most Prominent Video Game Publishers in the World

You know the saying, “money makes the world go round.” In the gaming industry, it takes...


5 Key Takeaways from Advanced Search Summit 2019

The term “SEO” was coined in 1997, and since then, digital marketers everywhere have been obsessed...

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