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Devin Pickell

Devin is a former senior content specialist at G2. Prior to G2, he helped scale early-stage startups out of Chicago's booming tech scene. Outside of work, he enjoys watching his beloved Cubs, playing baseball, and gaming. (he/him/his)


How to Write on Medium – A Guide With Tips and Best Practices

Publishing your content to the Web is a great way to spread your tips and ideas, but it’s also...


What Is FaceApp? The Technology Behind This AI-Enabled Mobile App

Celebrities are doing it, your family is doing it, and so are your friends.


What Is Advanced Analytics? 4 Common Types

There are many types of analytics today, each showing a different picture to help drive change and...


How to Encrypt Files On Mac for Free

In today’s vast digitally-connected world, it can be difficult to maintain some privacy.


8 Big Data Technologies On the Rise

The media storm surrounding big data has calmed, but businesses are still searching for ways to...


The 4 Most Important Big Data Programming Languages

Programming languages, just like spoken languages, have their own unique structures, formats, and...

What Is Keyword Stuffing? How to Avoid This Unethical Practice

If you think repeating the same keywords will help you rank a content piece, you are wrong.


Google Buys Looker, Salesforce Buys Tableau – What This Means for Business Intelligence

If you’ve been paying attention to tech news recently, you know something big is on the horizon.


5 Clever Examples of How Machine Learning is Used Today

If you used Google, Spotify, or Uber in the past week, you’ve engaged with products that utilize...

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