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Tech (42)


Best of SaaS: The Top Tech Companies in New York

Ah, New York. The Capital of the World.


How Business Messaging Can Improve Customer Experience

Consumer demand for personalized experiences is at an all-time high.

Contributor Network

10 Easy Steps to Set Up a VoIP Phone System

Cloud is more than just a buzzword of the decade.

Contributor Network

Ethics of Facial Recognition: Key Issues and Solutions

Facial recognition is considered one of the fascinating technological marvels.

Contributor Network

What Is Federated Authentication? How It Improves Security

For many employees today, the workplace is no longer a fixed location.

Contributor Network

What Is Social Listening? How to Act on What You Hear

If you're in a creative business and have ever created content, you know how important it is. But...

Contributor Network

Intelligent Virtual Assistants: Improve Your Customer Service

In a digital-first world, where customer expectations continue to rise, more and more companies are...


Why SaaS Review Sites Are Crucial to Your Online Review Strategy

As humans, we want to make the most of every day and every dollar we spend. We take time to...


What Is Data Lineage? Why It's Important to Track Data Flow

Some professionals view data lineage as the GPS of data.

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