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Tech (43)


An Easy-To-Understand Glossary of Common Robotics Terms

People tend to have a very narrow definition of what constitutes a robot.


Infrastructure as Code: Helping Businesses Scale Their IT

The more a business relies on information technology (IT), the more important it is to have a good...

Contributor Network

The What, Why, and How on Answering Security Questionnaires

You have many options for solutions to help you issue a security questionnaire.


What Is Data Preprocessing? 4 Crucial Steps to Do It Right

Real-world data is in most cases incomplete, noisy, and inconsistent.


What Is Training Data? How It’s Used in Machine Learning

Machine learning models are as good as the data they're trained on.


How Public Key Encryption Ensures Data Integrity

Data needs security, and security needs encryption.


What Is Logistic Regression? Learn When to Use It

Life is full of tough binary choices.


What Is Cross-Validation? Comparing Machine Learning Models

Cross-validation is an invaluable tool for data scientists.

Contributor Network

Industrial Automation: Transforming the Way You Do Business

It’s no secret that industrial automation has been on the rise for quite some time as businesses...

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