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Tech (102)


The State of B2B Tech in Pennsylvania in 2018

According to Business Insider, “VCs are increasingly investing in startups based in states other...


The State of B2B Chicago Tech in 2018 (+25 Best Companies)

America’s third-coast has a vibrant tech community. Yet it seems to always be cast into the shadow...


The State of B2B Tech in Missouri in 2018

The AIM Institute, a nonprofit committed to building a community of entrepreneurs, innovators,...


The State of B2B Tech in Indianapolis in 2018

Indianapolis is a city that likes to run rightttt under the radar, and with a nickname like...


What is Digital Twins (+Impact on Business Modernization)

A digital twin is an exact digital replica of a product, process or service. This living model...


Internet of Things Trends: IoT is the Next Industrial Revolution

The internet of things (IoT) is helpingdigitally transformbusinesses where data needs to be...


Blockchain Security: Trends, Predictions, and the Future

Bitcoin is booming, but blockchain is evolving. Bitcoin is always a point of reference for...


Cybersecurity Trends: 4 Biggest Security Threats for Businesses

In 2017 we witnessed some of the largest cyberattacks in history. Giant companies like Equifax,...


Risk-Based Authentication: The Future of Workplace Security

Risk-based authentication software(RBA), sometimes called adaptive authentication, is an emerging...

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