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Tech (100)


Sports League and Team Management Software: Not Just for Sandlots Anymore

As an adult, organizing a sports league for either your fellow busy adults or your children can be...


10 Best Free Password Manager Solutions for 2019

Digital passwords have sneakily become a cornerstone of our daily lives. At work and play and...


URL Opener for Multiple and Bulk URLs

Looking for an easy way to open links in bulk? This tool is for you.


8 Keys to Creating the Best Real Estate Website in Your Market

Of the six million homes sold last year, 51 percent of buyers found the homes they purchased online.


12 Best Free Survey Maker Tools in 2019

As much as we all like to think we’re doing great things and there’s nothing the haters can say to...


What is Serverless Computing?

We all know SaaS and IaaS. You can take a PaaS, or turn up the mBaaS. And we could all use a little


10 Best Cities for Tech Jobs in 2020 (Not in Silicon Valley)

In the beginning of 2018, G2 published a content series highlighting the best tech companies in...


8 Free Volunteer Management Tools for Nonprofits

A few years ago, I accidentallyvolunteeredto take over the daunting job of managing a volunteer...


Types of AI and What They Mean for You

What seems like a lifetime ago, Myspace was my first exposure to the concept of "embedding."

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