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Tech (98)


How to Take a Screenshot on Android (+3 Free Screenshot Apps)

Looking to save a funny text your mom just sent you?


5 Best Free Email Account Services and Providers in 2019

History books will namedrop “emails” in the same breath as telephones and cave paintings.


How to Use Snapchat: The Complete Beginner's Guide

As a millennial, I constantly hear how technology has ruined how people my age interact with one...

Contributor Network

Big Data Engineering: 4 Critical Considerations for Automating Your Processes

As more organizations begin to comprehend the powerful insights and value of big data, adoption is...


7 Best Free Screen Capture Software Solutions for 2019

Try as I might, sometimes I can’t avoid surfing the Twitterverse after a newsworthy moment to see...


Mobile Software: Why It's Only Android vs. iOS in 2020

Android and iOS are the two largest mobile software platforms in the world. Why exactly is that?


Women in IoT in 2019

Theinternet of things(IoT) is booming. It seems as though everything today is either “smart” or...


3 Tech-Savvy Strategies to Boost Your Digital Fundraising

Since the advent of online fundraising, nonprofits have seen their communities trend more and more...


9 Best Free Photo Editing Software Tools for 2019

Are you looking to dive into the world of photo editing but hesitant to sink hundreds or thousands...

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