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Tech (97)


The Importance of Cloud Management and Automation in an IoT World

When you look at the Amazon Echo speaker in your kitchen, the Nest thermostat on your living room...


How Tech Giants Are Shaking Up the EHR Space

For all of the stereotypes that claim the health care industry is slow and resistant to change,...


How to Take a Screenshot in Windows 10 (+ Windows 8 and 7)

It doesn’t matter if you’re using your PC for business or personal use, somewhere along the way,...


8 Ways to Make Your Property Management Website Stand Out

In our digital-first world, most residents are completing their apartment searches online.


The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the PR Industry

With facial recognition to unlock our phones, navigational apps to tell us where traffic is backed...


13 Best Free Screen Recorder Software (+ Streaming) in 2019

Screens are a huge part of our lives. From mobile phones to work computers to televisions, screens...


AR: The Future of E-Commerce

Digital commerce is radically changing by the rapid advancement of augmented reality.


The Best Snipping Tools in 2019 (+6 Useful Benefits)

Screenshots have many uses in the workplace.


What is PaaS? A Beginner's Guide to Platform as a Service

Companies use PaaS solutions to build, deploy, and maintain applications. These tools can be...

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