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What Is E-Commerce Automation? How It Unites Efficiency and CX

Great customer experience (CX) always drives revenue.

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Top 6 SaaS Trends to Keep an Eye On in 2023

When it first came on the scene in the 1990s, software-as-a-service (SaaS) was a means to...

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The Impact of E-Commerce Inflation on Buying and Consuming Habits

Concerns about inflation have greatly affected competition in e-commerce.


G2 + ZoomInfo Offers More Precise Ways to Target Buyers

When it comes to data, less is more, right?


CEOs Aren't Making the Most of G2 (And Why It Matters)

When you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


How to Create an Effective Product-led SaaS Pricing Strategy

Product-led growth (PLG) has become one of the most important and pervasive topics in SaaS.

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CRM for SMBs: Tying Sales and Marketing Together

It’s no surprise that when each of your departments work together you deliver a more cohesive...

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Automotive Digital Retailing Ensures Seamless Car Buying

Automotive digital retailing platforms make car buying better for customers online and in the...

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A Brief History of CRM: How We Got Here and What's Next

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a mission-critical technology for almost every business...

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