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How to Leverage Reviews for Voice of the Customer Analysis

Online reviews have skyrocketed in importance in recent years.

Contributor Network

How to Make a Big Decision that Differentiates Your Product

We’re living in an era characterized by an abundance of choice: car makes and models, phone...

Contributor Network

7 Mobile App Marketing Hacks

App developers are like book writers.

Contributor Network

Best Customer Survey Questions to Ask

With customer experience becoming more and more of a competitive differentiator, hot deals aren’t...


How We Reached the 1 Million Reviews Milestone

You would never believe the things we were doing just a few years ago to get reviews.


How We Leverage Email to Build Relationships with Our Users

Since the beginning of G2, back when we were known as G2 Crowd, our mission was to bring...


How We Partnered with Vendors to Bring Products to Life

When you think of G2, you probably think of reviews. That is what we are all about here, right? I’m...


How We Found Thousands of Reviewers on Social Media

Since the beginning of G2, back when we were known as G2 Crowd, our mission was to bring...


How Reviews are Making a Difference with G2 Gives

Two of G2’s main values are Authenticity and Kindness.

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