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Marketing (21)

Contributor Network

SaaS Customer Retention: Reduce Churn and Drive Loyalty

Tech companies are facing rising costs and decreased funding.

Contributor Network

What Is Click Injection? How to Prevent It and Ensure Safety

Mobile advertising is at an all-time high and shows no signs of slowing down.


What Is Market Segmentation? Importance for Your Business

You’ve spent time and money creating the perfect marketing strategy, and you want your message to...

Contributor Network

Ordinal Data: Definition, Examples, Collection, and Analysis

Companies invest more in data tools to help their marketing teams make better decisions.


How Marketing Information Management Helps Your Business

Software is eating the world – and with that comes a lot of data.


What Is Price Discrimination? Types, Benefits, and Examples

Do you ever drive to a different part of town and say to yourself, “Wow, gas is so much more...

Contributor Network

Scrollytelling: How to Visually Transform Content and Engage Readers

We have entered an era where the visual internet is no longer what it used to be.


What Is a SKU Number? How to Organize Your Inventory Better

Imagine you were at your local shoe store and wanted to try on a pair, but the salesperson had no...


What Is Conversational Marketing? Top Examples + Benefits

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