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6 Best Event Planning Jobs: Possible Career Paths in the Event Industry

July 29, 2019

An event planner plans events.

Not so fast. As simple as event planning sounds, there’s actually a lot more to it than what initially meets the eye. The word “event” is a broad term, which I’m sure makes you wonder which types of events we’re talking about exactly?

Event planners work on conferences, corporate events, special events, meetings, trade shows, exhibitions, and concerts – just to name just a few.

And we can’t forget the specific duties at these events, which broadly fall under planning, managing, and coordinating.

Just think about all of the little details that need to be accounted for at an event!

Planning events brings a whirlwind of duties, tasks, and projects, which all need someone to be in charge of.

I told you there’s so much more to it!

The best event planning jobs

The job title “event planner” barely scratches the surface of the immense career possibilities one can have in the event industry. If you’re looking for a job in the event space, but you’re not finding exactly what you’re looking for, then it’s time to expand your search.

With the wide variation of event duties, it makes sense that there are so many job titles to accommodate them. This article will walk you through the six most common event planning titles, responsibilities, and necessary qualifications to ensure you find your perfect fit in the event industry.

TIP: A job of any kind in the event industry is bound to be hectic! Check out the best event management platforms to help you manage all of your projects efficiently!

See the Easiest-to-Use Event Management Platforms →

1. Event Planner

As I said previously, an event planner title can be used as a catch-all description, but it is definitely not one to be overlooked. An event planner runs the show and typically is in charge of every single detail of an event if there’s no one else hired to take over the more specific roles.

Event planners take hold of the reigns right at an event’s conception and lead the ideating, venue selection, negotiations, logistics, and well, everything else! From planning weddings, birthday parties, corporate events, ceremonies, and much more, event planners bring visions to life and manage every step of the event cycle.

TIP: Curious about how to become an event planner? Learn everything you need to know, plus advice from industry experts!

2. Event Coordinator

Think of the event coordinator as the event planner’s right-hand man. When a coordinator is involved in the event planning process, he or she takes over the details and smaller jobs that the event planner needs them to do. The event planner is in charge of the most important aspects, ideating and putting the vision and plan together, while the coordinator gets it done (with the guidance from the planner, of course.)

A coordinator typically ensures that the event planner’s vision is followed through. This means delegating and managing all of the specific teams that have a part in making the event design a reality.

The natural next step for many coordinators is to become an event planner. The coordinator job allows you to get loads of valuable, hands-on experience that will help you in the future.

3. Meeting Planner

You might see the title “meeting planner” accompanied by event planners often. This is because event planners and meeting planners have essentially the same job description, just one is in charge of events and the other is in charge of, you guessed it, meetings!

There is a large need for meeting planners in the government and corporate world. Organizing important meetings held and attended by people such as top executives and high government officials is not as simple as just booking a conference room and conducting a meeting.

When sensitive information needs to be shared with a large number of important (and very busy) people involved, a meeting planner comes to the rescue and handles the logistics of it all – providing a great experience for the attendees.

4. Venue Manager

Venue managers work for the venue and handle everything that has to do with the logistics of the event in relation to the venue space itself. Knowing exactly how to arrange the room to accommodate a variety of events, people, and activities are their expertise, ensuring that the operations of the event never fail.

Venue managers are also in charge of the booking processes, contracts, and staff that work for the venue. Being an expert of their event space is the name of the job, and being able to troubleshoot and overcome any issues that may arise during the duration of the event cycle is what venue managers are there for.

5. Catering Manager

The catering manager is in charge of everything food-related at an event. This means expense control, menu creation, food preparation, allergy awareness, catering schedules, food safety, and more. Catering managers have to be very meticulous, ensuring that the proper calculations are done and the contracts are correct to guarantee little to no profit loss. They should also have a culinary background of some sort, as it is important to be an expert of not only the event planning side but the proper food handling and detail needed to meet code and guest standards.

6. Event Marketing Manager

Don’t let the word “marketing” scare you, because whether you know it or not, the event industry has a strong marketing backbone, and you are probably more familiar with marketing than you think.

Event marketing is a promotional strategy that companies use to interact with their prospects and customers in an engaging and face-to-face format. The event marketing manager leads a company or organization’s event strategy. This can be in the form of trade shows, local activations, and events, sponsored events, or even the company’s very own event!

The duties of an event marketer at these events are very similar to that of an event planner, just remember, the events planned in this role are all part of a greater strategy for business gain, not just for attendee enjoyment and experience like the others.

It’s important to note that event marketing managers typically work for a company, planning and executing events just for that company.

TIP: Curious to know more about becoming an event marketing manager? Learn more here!

You can be whatever you want to be

That’s the beauty of it! The event industry has so much to offer and can provide you with a fun and fulfilling career for years to come. Figure out which job is right for you at this time, but remember, an event career path is fluid. You should feel encouraged to jump around the industry and get your hands in everything. With the amount of possibility, there’s no telling where you can end up next.

No matter which event planning job you choose, you must have the proper expertise. Check out the top event planning skills you’ll need to be successful in the event industry.

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