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Marty Duffy

Marty Duffy is the SVP of Product R&D Operations at G2. Marty has been working on the web for over 15 years at companies ranging from start-ups to enterprises and in both the non-profit and for-profit sectors. Marty is a generalist by nature with a horizontal breadth of experience and deep specialties in operations, services, and product. In his spare time, Marty loves spending time with his family and his church. With any free time remaining, he chooses between board games, golf, or reading.


Master Your Minutes: Tips to Optimize Efficiency in the Workplace

As our time is one of our most valuable assets, it's important that we optimize how we spend our...


Business Operations for Software Companies: What You Need to Know

You wake up in the morning, tired from a long night's sleep. Walking to the coffee pot, you mix up...

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