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Grace Pinegar

Grace Pinegar is a lifelong storyteller with an extensive background in various forms such as acting, journalism, improv, research, and content marketing. She was raised in Texas, educated in Missouri, worked in Chicago, and is now a proud New Yorker. (she/her/hers)


After the RFP: Expert Advice From Experience

If you’ve ever been through an audition, you understand there are many steps taken before you are...


How to Negotiate Your Dream RFP Contract

Negotiating is not a natural skill for many people, myself included.

The Future of Customer Service

The only constant is change. That much we know to be true, and true of the customer service...

Maintaining Company Culture Through Hyper-Growth

Before traveling to another country, it’s wise to research some basic aspects of its culture. Do...

Customer Service

Social Media Customer Service Engages and Delights

I used to love sending letters.


Hiring and Recruiting Strategy Guide for Managers

My first job had the easiest interview process I’ve ever been through, and one I doubt I’ll ever...


The Customer Service Philosophy Guide for 2020

Customer service standards are always changing.


Narrowing RFP Candidates Into a Shortlist

You know when you walk up to the club on the weekend, bypass the entire line, and the bouncer lets...


10 Best Cities for Tech Jobs in 2020 (Not in Silicon Valley)

In the beginning of 2018, G2 published a content series highlighting the best tech companies in...

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