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Productivity (33)


27+ Impressive Project Management Statistics in 2019

In the modern workplace, project management tools have become an indispensable roadmap.


Why a Two-Weeks Notice Letter is Important (+How to Write One)

A two-week notice letter is your way of notifying a manager or mentor that your time with them is...


How to Turn Off Facebook Notifications (on Mobile and Desktop)

Facebook is excellent for keeping in touch with family and friends, but sometimes it can feel a...


How to Draw in Microsoft Word in 2020

Sometimes, you can't express yourself in words and numbers alone.


Letter of Recommendation: Template, Tips, and Examples

Letters of recommendation and positive input from references can significantly increase a...


How to Do Subscript and Superscript in Word (Easy!)

If you're writing a paper involving equations or scientific formulas, chances are you're going to...


How to Write a Letter of Intent (+Format and Examples)

Have you seen those videos of Black Friday shopping (an event in the United States in which stores...


How to Find and Replace in Word

Don’t waste time scanning your document for the name you realized you misspelled several times.


How to Create a Hanging Indent in Word

Hanging indents can drive you nuts.

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