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Productivity (32)


A Clear Income Statement Example (+ Free Downloadable Template)

Your fiscal year has ended, and now its time to figure revenue, expenses, gains, and losses to...


How to Register a Trademark and the Advantages of Doing So

Today’s business landscape is extremely competitive, which is why establishing your brand and...


Kanban vs. Scrum: Which Is Better For Your Team in 2019

It seems like virtually every software company is starting to adopt an agile approach to product...


How to Delete a Page in Word (6 Easy Ways)

Ever been completely stumped by a task that should be incredibly easy?


How to Calculate Net Income to Find Your Bottom Line

If you’ve ever wondered where the term “bottom line” comes from, just know it’s referring to a...


Your Guide to the Excel COUNTIF Function

If you're trying to widen your Excel knowledge, you've come to the right place.


How to Change Default Google Account in 4 Easy Steps

There may come a time when you have more than one Google account, and you want them to appear in...


9 Healthy Habits to Adopt in 2020

I’ll be the first to admit – every year when the new year rolls around, I make big plans to work on...


How to Make a Budget (+Free Monthly Budget Template)

The word “budget” seems to have a negative connotation.

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