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Productivity (14)

Contributor Network

What Is Cloud Cost Optimization? How to Achieve It via FinOps

When public cloud services expanded their offerings, organizations started moving their...

Contributor Network

UX Trends to Refine User Experience and Drive Engagement

Getting users to adopt a product can make or break tech startups.


How to Write a Lesson Plan for Success (Use This Template!)

Teachers always have a lot on their plate, from organizing a potentially hectic classroom to...


Business Operations for Software Companies: What You Need to Know

You wake up in the morning, tired from a long night's sleep. Walking to the coffee pot, you mix up...

Contributor Network

What Is User Engagement? A Churn-Buster for SaaS Businesses

Of all 282 Google product obituaries, Inbox's demise was the most hurtful.

Contributor Network

The Key Elements of an Effective MSP SLA That Ensure Success

A service level agreement (SLA) isn't just a list of services, metrics, and penalties.


How to Execute Your Dream Event: Tips for Event Planning Like a Pro

If you're here, you probably have an idea of what type of event you want to execute. You’re either...


Work-life Balance: What It Is and How To Improve It

Personal or professional - setting healthy boundaries is essential.


How to Find a Mentor: Best Practices and Common Mistakes to Avoid

The value of having a mentor is obvious, but how do you go about finding one?

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