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Productivity (11)

Contributor Network

Board Meeting Agenda: A Guide to Effective Meetings

Picture your board meeting as a treasure hunt.


What Is a Data Marketplace? Best Guide to Data Exchange

Making money from data isn't just limited to Silicon Valley behemoths. The growth of modern data...


Employee Document Management: How To Set It Up Right

The human resource department is often home to complex documents that contain sensitive information.

Contributor Network

How to Protect Your Business From E-Commerce Fraud

Almost a decade ago, theft at brick-and-mortar stores was common. With the rapid rise of...

Contributor Network

Early-Stage Hiring Strategies: In-House vs. Outsourcing

Hiring remains a critical decision for all startups at different stages - early, mature, and...


Refusing to Lose: 5 Ways Freshworks CMO Stacey Epstein Leads Through Change

As an experienced tech CEO and entrepreneur, I have seen firsthand the importance of leadership,...


Before Signing an AI Tool Agreement, Learn About These Legal Components

If you're anxious about introducing AI into your business, you're not alone. With the introduction...

Contributor Network

How to Write a Winning Sales Proposal (+Template Ideas)

Sales proposals are an essential part of the sales process. They communicate the specific value...


What Is Synthetic Media? Types, Benefits, and Best Practices

Is there anything we do that doesn’t involve media?

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