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Marketing (39)


8 Customer Data Analysis Best Practices You Need to Know

Customer data analysis is all about getting a better understanding of who your customer is at a 1:1...


8 Google My Business Features Critical for Every Local Business

A long time ago, Google was faced with a question: how can it surface search results specific to a...


Affiliate Marketing Merchants: How to Generate More Profit

What if you could pay someone else to market your product without breaking the bank?The idea might...


Quit Battling Over Market Share With Category Design

This is the first of five articles that make up The Newcomer’s Guide to Category Design.


The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Customer Acquisition

This ultimate guide has everything you need to know about customer acquisition. In simple language.


Perfect Your Content Workflow and Create Timely, Irresistible Content

You've heard about death by committee: when a piece of content is the victim of too many ideas from...


How to Get Eyes on Your Product With Mobile Marketing

It seems like it’s harder than ever to capture the attention of buyers.


How to Conduct a Successful Competitive Analysis in 6 Steps

It's common for entrepreneurs to receive the advice that their business needs to stay one step...


Donor Acquisition: Modern Tips for Nonprofit Success

Your nonprofit needs a healthy mix of new and old donors to ensure there’s enough fundraising...

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