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Marketing (36)


How Customer Journey Analytics Isn't Journey Mapping (It's Better)

Customers are a difficult breed to please.


Customer Data Platform: What It Is and Why Marketers Need One

Data, data everywhere – but where do marketers begin?

Contributor Network

Lead Generation for Online Courses in 5 Simple Steps

The pace of online learning has accelerated faster than anyone could imagine in the past business...


How to Bring Your Brand to Market from the CMO of Gong

Your buyer is on the internet making calculated, informed decisions every day.

Contributor Network

5 Foolproof Tips for Next-Level Employee Scheduling

Rudimentary employee scheduling comprised a pen and paper rota and keeping physical records of...


How to Create a Compelling Value Proposition That Converts

First impressions matter.

Contributor Network

Here's Why You Need a Customer Feedback Analysis Solution

There are plenty of customer feedback management solutions out there, but most of them are survey...

Contributor Network

Guide to Request for Qualifications: Prioritizing Expertise

Some procurement projects are too important to leave to chance.

Contributor Network

Data-Driven Marketing: A Modern Business Approach to Data

The rise in data-driven marketing is unmistakably visible in recent years.

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