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G2 Voices (2)

G2 Voices

Looking For AI Code Generators? Learn the Legal Fine Print

AI has an ever-evolving potential that can feel overwhelming without adequate knowledge. When it...

G2 Voices

Reviews in B2B & B2C: Why Trust Matters More Than Ever

Modern consumers have unprecedented power to influence purchase decisions and shape a brand's image.

G2 Voices

Building a Product Team: How to Upgrade Your Team Development Strategy

I recently reflected on my personal highs and lows of the last year, and it made me think about the...

G2 Voices

Using Generative AI? Consider These 7 Tips From a Legal Expert

As G2’s General Counsel, it’s my job to help build and protect the company, so it’s likely no...

G2 Voices

Elevate With Quality Data: Tips for Crafting and Maintaining Strong Datasets

Data is changing the way the world works.

G2 Voices

Start Your Tech Adventure: Explaining Basic AI Concepts

At the beginning of the summer, I walked into G2’s corporate headquarters in Chicago, wide-eyed and...


Before Signing an AI Tool Agreement, Learn About These Legal Components

If you're anxious about introducing AI into your business, you're not alone. With the introduction...


The Ethics of AI: 4 Essential Questions We Should Ask

A year ago, if I’d said “AI" at my dinner table, my (mature) family wouldn’t have known what I was...

G2 Voices

For the People: Why People Operations Is So Important

How many times a day do you turn on a light switch? For most, probably multiple times a day, you...

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