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Design (3)


9 Graphic Design Mistakes to Avoid, According to the Experts

Here’s the thing about design: it’s either good or it's meh.


7 Ways to Improve Your Design Collaboration Workflow

Excellent designs are the product of collaboration between many different profiles.


How Much Is Photoshop in 2020? (+Which Plan Is the Best Deal)

During its nearly 30-year history, Adobe Photoshop has become the byword for image editing software.


The Snapchat Logo Update: Why Bold Might Not Be Better

This week, Snapchat gave their logo a very slight refresh.


10 Famous Graphic Designers We Want to Be When We Grow Up

Good artists borrow; great artists steal.


Visual Hierarchy: Principles and Patterns

There’s a lot of content out there. You’re reading some right now. Hi!


Let Them Judge: Mastering Book Cover Design

Writing a summary of one thousand pages is hard enough – how are you supposed to summarize those...


8 Graphic Design Interview Questions to Prepare for Your Big Day

You’ve slaved away for years studying, scaling, aligning, kerning, and saturating.


Color Me Confused: What Is Pantone?


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