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Contributor Network (33)

Contributor Network

10 Must-Have Recruitment Strategies to Attract Top Talent

Recruitment is integral to any organization’s success and growth.

Contributor Network

Raising the Bar: The Importance of Ongoing Frontline Training

If you go to a store today, there’s a big chance you’ll return with a story to tell your friends...

Contributor Network

Your Customers Are a Scan Away. Start Using QR Codes

Marketers often view the online and offline worlds as separate entities that require different...

Contributor Network

What Is Brand Storytelling? Tell a Story Your Customers Want

Every brand has a story to tell.

Contributor Network

Close More Deals: How to Get the Most Out of Your Sales Calls

As if attracting and qualifying new prospects isn't hard enough, sales reps also need to put in the...

Contributor Network

Playable Ads: Why You Need Them To Win at Mobile Marketing

Think about buying a physical product. What would sell it better - seeing, touching, and trying...

Contributor Network

10 Common Search Queries to Target Your Audience Better

Search offers a far richer experience than ever.

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Business Process Management: Gain Efficiency in 5 Easy Steps

Growth doesn’t happen without change.

Contributor Network

How to Draft the Perfect Elevator Pitch (+ Best Practices)

The best conversations take place when time is limited.

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