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Contributor Network (31)

Contributor Network

What Is User Engagement? A Churn-Buster for SaaS Businesses

Of all 282 Google product obituaries, Inbox's demise was the most hurtful.

Contributor Network

Ordinal Data: Definition, Examples, Collection, and Analysis

Companies invest more in data tools to help their marketing teams make better decisions.

Contributor Network

The Key Elements of an Effective MSP SLA That Ensure Success

A service level agreement (SLA) isn't just a list of services, metrics, and penalties.

Contributor Network

What Is Conversational AI? How It Enhances Customer Engagement

Someone told me the other day that we live in strange times – we ask our watches to make calls and...

Contributor Network

How to Create Consistent and Empowering Sales Documentation

It’s a given: buyers are becoming smarter with every purchase.

Contributor Network

What Is a Cash Flow Forecast? Benefits, Tips, and Example

Cash flow forecasting is one of the most important jobs of any CFO.

Contributor Network

How Virtual Communities Can Benefit Your Organization

Virtual communities have blossomed in recent years.

Contributor Network

Scrollytelling: How to Visually Transform Content and Engage Readers

We have entered an era where the visual internet is no longer what it used to be.

Contributor Network

5 Strategies to Empower a Multigenerational Workforce

The generational divide in our society has never been more evident than it is today.

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