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Contributor Network (32)

Contributor Network

5 E-commerce Pricing Strategies to Boost Your Revenue

The price of a product or service is the major factor in a potential customer’s purchase decision.

Contributor Network

Digital Marketing Analytics: A Complete Guide

There was a time when marketing primarily consisted of guesswork and creativity. While creativity...

Contributor Network

How Guestographics Helps Win Organic Backlinks

Backlinking is a tried and tested way of boosting your SEO rankings.

Contributor Network

How to Write a Winning Sales Proposal (+Template Ideas)

Sales proposals are an essential part of the sales process. They communicate the specific value...

Contributor Network

What Is Data-Centric Architecture? Reasons to Adopt It

For most of human history, it was widely believed that the Earth was the center of everything.

Contributor Network

What Is Incentive Marketing? 6 Ideas to Gain Customer Loyalty

Successful marketing comes in all shapes and sizes.

Contributor Network

Is Mass Email Marketing Dead? 5 Techniques For Success

Over the past few years, we've heard conflicting opinions about the success of mass email...

Contributor Network

6 Reasons You Need an Enterprise Application Server

Your organization’s digital offering - its software interfaces, websites, and applications - is...

Contributor Network

How Will AI Impact Email Communication?

We're all familiar with the high-impact presence of artificial intelligence (AI) in all aspects of...

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