If you’re an avid Snapchatter, I’m sure you’ve seen the little emojis popping up next to your Snapchat friends’ names. Ever wonder what they’re there for?
While they’re not like the other emojis you see all over social media, these emojis on Snapchat actually mean something – they’re Snapchat friend emojis!
What are Snapchat Emojis?
Snapchat uses friend emojis as a way of keeping track of your interactions with your Snapchat friends! Whether you Snapchat your friends like crazy or you’re just getting started on Snapchat, each emoji has a different meaning to remind you who you’re interacting with most.
While these emojis are preset by Snapchat to start, you can customize these Snapchat emojis at any time if you choose.
Now, are you ready to figure out what each of these emojis actually means? Keep scrolling. We’ve also included a cheat sheet with each emoji and its meaning!

Related: Wondering about the other emojis you’re seeing on Snapchat? They’re Snapchat Trophies! Check out our cheat sheet on how to unlock them ALL.
Snapchat emoji meanings
If you see the following emojis next to any of your Snapchat friends' names, this is what they mean:
Baby emoji
Emoji meaning: This is one of your newest Snaphat friends! You recently added each other as friends and will now appear on each other's friends lists.
Happy emoji
Emoji meaning: This is one of your best friends on Snapchat. You Snap this friend pretty often, but you’re not best friends quite yet.
Yellow heart emoji
Emoji meaning: You’re each other’s best friends! You send this Snapchatter the most Snaps, and they send you the most, too.
Red heart emoji
Emoji meaning: You and this Snapchatter have been #1 best friends for two weeks straight now. They are still your top Snapchat friend, and you’re still theirs.
Pink heart emoji
Emoji meaning: You’ve been #1 best friends with each other for two MONTHS straight now! Keep it up.
Smirk emoji
Emoji meaning: You’re one of their best friends, but they’re not one of yours. Looks like they’re Snapping you a little more than you’re Snapping them.
Sunglasses emoji
Emoji meaning: You share a best friend with this Snapchatter. One of their top Snapchat friends is also one of your best friends.
Grimace emoji
Emoji meaning: Looks like you both share the the same best friend. The person you Snap the most is also the person they snap the most.
Fire emoji
Emoji meaning: If you’re seeing this flame emoji, you’re on a Snapchat streak! This will appear next to the number of days you and this friend have consecutively snapped each other. Don’t want to lose your Snapchat streak? Make sure both you AND this Snapchatter are sending a Snap to each other within 24 hours.
Hourglass emoji
Emoji meaning: You’re about to lose your Snapchat streak with this friend! Make sure to send each other a Snap (not a Chat) to keep your Snapstreak.
100 emoji
Emoji meaning: You’ve got a solid Snapstreak going with this Snapchatter! You and this Snapchat friend have sent each other Snaps for 100 days in a row now.
Star emoji
Emoji meaning: This Snapchatter must’ve sent something interesting. You or another user replayed this friend’s Snap in the past 24 hours.
Birthday emoji
Emoji meaning: This Snapchat friend has a birthday today! The cake emoji will only appear if a user adds their birth date in settings.
Customizing Snapchat emojis
Want to change your friend emojis up a bit? Here’s how:
- Tap your profile icon (Bitmoji if you have one) in the top-left corner of the screen to navigate to your profile screen.
2. Tap the settings gear in the top-right corner of your profile screen.
3. Select ‘Manage’ under ‘Additional Services.’
4. Select ‘Friend Emojis.’
5. Tap the friend emoji you’d like to edit.
6. Choose a new friend emoji!
Snapchat emoji meanings cheat sheet
To make it easy on you, we've made a Snapchat emojis cheat sheet where you can find each of the Snapchat emojis and their meaning – all in one convenient place, just for you!
That’s all for now! Want to learn more about how to use Snapchat? Be sure to check out: