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15 Essential Recruiter Interview Questions to Get the Job

July 24, 2019

As you look towards advancing your career in talent acquisition, it’s important that you do all you can to best prepare for job progression.

If you’re ready to take the step up to the role of a recruiter, you’ll want to do all you can to prepare yourself for the interview. It can be helpful to dress right for an interview, but if you really want to be successful, you should prepare by familiarizing yourself with some of the interview questions you might expect during this process.

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15 recruiter interview questions

These interview questions should be used to drive thinking toward your answers for an upcoming interview. Don’t overthink it. Many interviewers want you to answer authentically without scripting your responses. This allows yourself freedom in the moment to give thoughtful and honest answers.

Let’s dive into these fifteen questions you’ll likely be asked in an interview for a recruiter position.

What areas of recruitment do you feel most and least skilled in?

Depending on your previous role, you should expect to have certain strengths and weaknesses in the realm of talent acquisition. Any employer will expect the same. Perhaps your strengths lie more in the recruitment marketing side of things. Be open with your employer about this so that each of your expectations regarding the opening is made clear.

What questions would you ask me if you were the interviewer?

Many recruiters will be conducting interviews and phone screens daily. Put yourself into this situation and choose a few questions that you feel might really assess a candidate’s viability. If you’re struggling at thinking of any, consider these common interview questions and see if they provide any inspiration.

What types of industries have you recruited for? Which do you feel strongest in?

Having recruiting experience in a specific industry could be a major benefit to your case as a candidate. Being clear about this experience will show that you have dealt with the specific challenges of an industry and show that you understand the possibly unique talent sources for that industry.

How do you go about informing candidates that they did not receive the job?

If a job offer is not made, it’s then your job as a recruiter to let the candidates know. Describe how you would complete this process with compassion and kindness as not to hurt your employer branding efforts. Even if a candidate does not receive an offer, they should exit the process still feeling positive about your organization.

TIP: Always be prepared for a curveball question. Read through this list of behavioral interview questions to be prepared in case you get asked.

What is your recruiting process from receiving a job order to a new hire being onboarded?

Your recruiting process is very much like your fingerprint. It’s your job as a recruiter to monitor and guide qualified candidates throughout this process. Describe to the interviewer the steps you take to source candidates and get them to the employee onboarding process.

What is the strongest part of your recruiting process? What can be improved?

As you detail your personal recruiting process, it’s important to be able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of this process. This can show that you’re very aware of your methods and constantly working to find ways to improve them.

How do you stay up to date on employment law and legislation?

Regulation and policy surrounding employment are always changing. You should have some key resources to ensure your recruitment practices are staying within corporate compliance standards. Be aware of the publications and industry leaders that you can follow in order to keep current on these constant changes to legislation.

TIP: Interviewing to be a recruiter in a hospital or other health-care related business? Check out our Four-Point HIPAA Compliance Checklist.

How do you keep track of your candidate pool?

An applicant tracking system is an effective tool for a number of recruitment processes. Perhaps you’re familiar with how these work and have used them in your previous roles. If not, then it would be good for you to understand how an ATS can be used to collect and organize applicant information, parse resumes, and boost efficiency of your business’s talent acquisition.

View the Easiest-to-Use Applicant Tracking Software →

What are some qualities you look for in a new hire?

It’s vital that as a recruiter, you are familiar with identifying the type of person who would be a good fit for your organization. Think about the values that you think make a strong employee regardless of role in order to answer this question.

TIP: Use our core values list in order to identify qualities that make for a great new hire.

What does your ideal work environment look like?

A hostile work environment can be incredibly damaging to an organization, but what does a perfect work environment look like to you? As a recruiter, you’ll play a large role in crafting the work environment of your business, so consider the day-to-day behaviors and attitudes of how the people around you treat each other and communicate.

How do you determine priorities in your role?

You’re going to have a lot of responsibilities on your plate as a recruiter, so it’s important you learn to prioritize them in a way that makes sense to you and those around you. Describe how you choose the important tasks and duties in your role and make those clear to your employer.

What employee benefits do you believe are best at attracting applicants?

There are a number of different types of employee benefits a company can offer to its hires. Familiarize yourself with these benefits and determine what you believe to be the best offerings to employees. If hired there’s a great chance that you’ll be able to influence these benefits into reality and create a better life for your organization’s employees.

What software or tools do you believe best help with your role?

Your answer to this question probably won’t make or break your chances at being hired, but it will show the employer how familiar you are with the tools and software that recruiters use on a daily basis. Having some knowledge of these tools or even a high skill in them can set you apart from candidates who may not be as familiar with certain applicant tracking systems, recruitment marketing software, job boards, or video interviewing tools.

What are some of the latest recruiting trends you have utilized or would like to utilize in the future?

As an active recruiter, you should be well-read on the latest recruitment trends and practices. This could include virtual reality recruitment, campus recruiting, or even recruitment chatbots.

What do you consider the most rewarding aspect of being a recruiter?

If you’re applying for the role of a recruiter, you should have a fair idea of why you are in fact pursuing this career path. Speak openly and enthusiastically about what drew you to the profession in the first place and why you’re still interested in it.

You got this

Preparing for an interview can be stressful and nerve-wracking, but by considering these fifteen questions, you’ll be able to think quickly for anything an interviewer throws your way.

Interviewing to become a recruiter but not entirely sure how much you should be paid? Read up on the most recent recruiter salary data so you can be confident through negotiations.

15 Essential Recruiter Interview Questions to Get the Job Help yourself land the job by becoming familiar with these recruiter interview questions. You’ll be on your way to the top in no time!
Derek Doeing Derek is a former G2 content associate. He can usually be found discussing pop music, politics, or digital marketing on the internet. (he/him/his)

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