March 14, 2023
by Mara Calvello / March 14, 2023
Do you ever drive to a different part of town and say to yourself, “Wow, gas is so much more expensive here”?
Or maybe you’ve thought of waiting to buy tickets to a sporting event in hopes that they’ll drop in price.
Both of these are common examples of price discrimination and happen more often than you think. In fact, several businesses today use retail pricing software to manage and analyze their pricing strategies.
Price discrimination is a pricing strategy that charges customers varying prices for goods or services based on certain criteria or what the seller believes the customer will agree to pay.
Sellers engage in price discrimination when they assume that some groups of buyers can be charged different prices depending on their characteristics or the perceived value of a particular good or service. For example, the product or service may be a different price for adults versus senior citizens or domestic buyers versus international buyers.
Travel, healthcare, entertainment, and telecommunications are some of the sectors that frequently use price discrimination.
Companies benefit from price discrimination because it encourages customers to buy more products while also luring in other customers who would not have been interested before.
The point of doing so is that a seller can capture the consumer surplus. The goal of price discrimination is to generate the most revenue possible for the product or service they are offering.
When sellers go about price discrimination, they look at the type of market their product or service is in - that is, whether it is an elastic or an inelastic market. In an elastic market, the price can change the demand for the product. But, in an inelastic market, the demand won't change when the price changes.
When the elasticity of demand is different in one market than in another, price discrimination becomes profitable. This is why some firms utilize demand planning to prepare ahead of time.
For those who are visual learners, let's break it down.
If the marginal cost (MC) of a product or service is consistent across all markets, whether or not it's divided, it will equal the average total cost (ATC). Maximum profit occurs at the price and output, where MC equals marginal revenue (MR).
However, if the market is separated, then the price and output of a product in an inelastic market will be P and Q, while P1 and Q1 in an elastic sub-market.
Image source: Economics Online
There are three types of price discrimination that you can encounter: first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree. These degrees of price discrimination sometimes go by other names: personalized pricing, product versioning or menu pricing, and group pricing, respectively.
First-degree price discrimination, or perfect price discrimination, happens when a business charges the maximum possible price for each unit.
Since prices vary for each unit, the company selling will collect all consumer surplus, or economic surplus, for itself. In many industries, a company will commit first-degree price discrimination by determining the amount each customer is willing to pay for a specific product and selling that product for that exact price. This can be done using market research strategies in addition to using budgeting and forecasting software.
Second-degree price discrimination, otherwise known as product versioning or menu pricing, happens when a company charges a different price for varying quantities consumed, such as offering a discount on products purchased in bulk. Simply put, firms price their products in line with how much they can sell.
It doesn't take much work to draw in customers and divide them up into niche markets, making this second-degree price discrimination incredibly straightforward to implement. This tactic is utilized by warehouse stores or by phone companies that charge extra for usage above a certain monthly cap.
Third-degree price discrimination, or group pricing, is when a company charges a different price to specific customer segments such as students, military personnel, or older adults. This is the most common type of price discrimination.
Third-degree price discrimination helps companies minimize excess profits by adjusting prices based on individual customers' willingness to pay. Last-minute travelers often encounter third-degree price discrimination in the tourism and travel industry.
EXAMPLE: Airlines often offer a certain capacity for different booking classes. Booking early with low-cost airlines often saves money. Most airlines raise prices as travel approaches because consumer demand becomes inelastic. Late bookers usually see travel as necessary and are willing to pay more.
Price discrimination is only possible under special market conditions.
The company must operate in a market with imperfect competition. There needs to be a certain degree of monopoly for successful price discrimination. In a market with perfect competition, there would be insufficient power to affect prices.
The company must be able to prevent resale. In other words, customers who have previously purchased an item at a discount cannot resell it to customers who are likely to have paid full price for the same product.
Demand elasticities must differ among consumer groups (i.e., low-income individuals leaning toward inexpensive tickets compared to business travelers).
Market segmentation (age, gender, interests, geography, product, time of year) must be ensured no two markets get intertwined.
Coupons, age discounts, occupational discounts, retail incentives, and gender-based pricing are a few commonly seen price discrimination examples for business operations.
If you're a business looking to utilize price discrimination, some advantages of price discrimination include:
On the other hand, price discrimination can result in some disadvantages, too, especially for the consumer. They include:
Most often, all that customers want is to be treated fairly. Customers do have every right to be outraged if they discover they are being charged more than their next-door neighbor while shopping. However, it is safe to say that discriminating in pricing is not only legal but also smart business practice.
Usually, customers are misled into thinking they are getting better deals than they actually are. So, sometimes the price you pay is more than what someone else would pay. It’s more common than you think and moving forward, you will hopefully be able to spot price discrimination in action.
Wonder what goes inside a consumer's mind? Get a better understanding of how consumer behavior works!
This article was originally published in 2019. The content has been updated with new information.
Mara Calvello is a Content and Communications Manager at G2. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Elmhurst College (now Elmhurst University). Mara writes customer marketing content, while also focusing on social media and communications for G2. She previously wrote content to support our G2 Tea newsletter, as well as categories on artificial intelligence, natural language understanding (NLU), AI code generation, synthetic data, and more. In her spare time, she's out exploring with her rescue dog Zeke or enjoying a good book.
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The price of a product or service is the major factor in a potential customer’s purchase...
Concerns about inflation have greatly affected competition in e-commerce.
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