March 12, 2025
by Sagar Joshi / March 12, 2025
Did you know why Netflix migrated from monolithic to microservices architecture? To scale.
As one of the first big companies to transition from monolithic to microservice architecture, Netflix needed a way to remain agile in managing the rapid growth of its user base. By adopting microservices architecture, they scaled each service independently without interrupting the high-demand video streaming service.
These services communicate using hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), message queue, and various other ways. Even if any service fails, it doesn’t crash the system, making it more reliable for its uptime. When a service experiences heavy traffic, it scales up without affecting others.
But what exactly is microservices architecture, and what makes it different from the traditional monolithic approach? Let’s dive in.
Microservices architecture is a software engineering approach that organizes an application as a collection of services communicating. Each service can be deployed independently and performs a specific function or task.
This separation of services allows teams to deploy, fix bugs, and modify features without causing much disruption as the changes are made to independent services. What’s more, microservices architecture helps improve scalability and resilience, encouraging teams to align with DevOps practices to ensure continuous delivery and agile workflow.
Spotify is another famous company that uses a microservices architecture for efficiency and resilience. Since each service is designed to function independently, developers work on it simultaneously to test and update the application. For example, if Spotify's recommendation service goes down, users can still stream music without interruptions.
Microservices architecture encourages simultaneous development and testing of services but requires tools to facilitate effective coordination. It increases application development speed by breaking up an application into smaller components, similar to how service-oriented architecture breaks up monolithic applications into smaller parts. However, their approaches are different.
Microservices architecture would work well in situations where:
Did you know? Traditionally, developers created applications using a monolithic architecture, where all business functions were carried through a single code base.
Here’s an overview of what a microservices architecture looks like with its components aligned:
Source: Microservices
Take a look at the different components of the above diagram and what they do:
Microservices use two main communication methods, each with its own use case and advantages. Here’s a breakdown of the types:
In synchronous communication, the client sends a request and waits for a response from the service, temporarily blocking its operations until a response is received. Similar to a telephone call, the conversation only continues if both parties are present.
Synchronous communication is typically done using:
REST APIs are used for client applications on the web or mobile that need an immediate response. For internal services, gRPC helps prioritize speed over readability.
In asynchronous communication, the client sends a request but doesn’t wait for a response. As with sending a text message, the client can continue working without waiting for a response.
Asynchronous communication relies on:
Async communication is suitable for systems with event-driven architectures, such as e-commerce applications with separate services for order creation, payment processing, and shipment. It suits applications where individual services don’t rely on immediate feedback.
In an e-commerce application, both synchronous and asynchronous communication takes place simultaneously. For example, when a client submits an order, REST API handles this to confirm the receipt immediately.
On the other hand, the payment service processes the payment in the background without holding up the client’s shopping experience. This is done through async communication.
Typically, RESTful APIs with HTTP are preferred, whereas JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) responses are easy to read and debug, especially in public-facing APIs. Internally, gRPC facilitates customer and order-related services in the microservice environment to achieve high-speed communication.
Every service in a microservices architecture has its business logic and a database, making it easier to update, test, deploy, or scale within the service. Microservices have independent code bases that allow applications to scale and adapt to new technologies, frameworks, and coding languages.
While this approach saves developers time when making changes to an application, at the same time, it increases the complexity of managing services.
In such instances, development sprawl occurs when development happens in a scattered and discontinuous manner. Without effective management, this might slow the development speed or affect operational performance. As more microservices are added over time, it can become difficult to identify what services your team can utilize and who you would contact for support.
However, microservices architecture promotes an agile working method that allows developers to deploy continuously. Suppose a service reaches load capability, to combat it, you can deploy additional instances of that service to relieve the pressure. It becomes easy to add new technologies and ensure the application won’t go down after deployment.
Source: Atlassian
A monolithic architecture, on the other hand, has a simpler design. Ai single code base houses business applications. Any update in the application’s functionality means updating the entire code and verifying the updated version doesn’t bring the application down. This makes any updates restrictive and a lot more time-consuming.
Monoliths are okay when you’re in the early stages of product development. They might help reduce cognitive overhead and manage code easily, enabling developers to deploy faster and all at once. However, they are not scalable or flexible enough to adapt to new technologies and frameworks on the market.
Moreover, if any error slips past you, a monolithic architecture has the potential to disrupt the application’s availability.
Since monolithic and microservices architectures serve different purposes, businesses might transition to microservices to keep up with the scalability and flexibility of their systems.
Microservices and SOA organize software into independent services. The difference lies in flexibility, design principles, and scalability. SOA primarily caters to enterprise use cases where services can be reused while ensuring application interoperability. Its modular design lets businesses scale services independently and manage varying traffic loads without disruption.
However, integrating SOA’s large service blocks can be tricky, especially if they’re built with different technology.
On the other hand, microservices adopt a more granular approach. They break down the software into components that handle specific business functions. This makes the application more flexible to scale, and any fault within a service can be easily contained. Microservices typically run in containers (Docker, Kubernetes, etc.), enabling highly efficient deployments.
SOA and microservices require different deployment strategies, but both benefit from DevOps practices:
Organizations often use both SOA and microservices to create hybrid systems, using SOA for legacy components and adopting microservices for new features.
SOA is best for large, complex enterprises that focus on reusability and interoperability. Microservices are better for companies that prioritize speed and agility, often in environments with a DevOps culture focused on continuous delivery.
As we discussed, Netflix is one of the most notable success stories when it comes to microservices architecture. They took a bold gamble back when the structure of microservices wasn’t that well known.
Although it allowed Netflix to handle real-time video streaming for a growing global audience, this architecture is still ambiguous.
On one side, it’s a disruptive solution to monolithic architecture's flexibility and scalability challenges. On the flip side, it can slow down the development with the increased complexity of integration and testing.
Still, microservice architecture is preferred for the following use cases, including:
It’s common to find several projects that start with a monolithic architecture. As the application grows and needs more flexibility, developers often find moving to a microservices architecture rewarding. Below are a few practices to set you up for migration.
The actual process will depend on the system scale and the components in your application. However, there’s some structure to get you started.
Determine the service that you would migrate. Analyze your customers' unique profiles and usage patterns to choose the service. Think about which transition can cause the most and least disruption.
Scalability often motivates businesses to move toward a microservices architecture. Even if you achieve scalability on a rarely used component, its impact would be negligible. Logically, you should prioritize heavily used components and migrate them first.
Users expect their system to return data with a high level of detail, usually as fast as the data is acquired. Such jobs involve multiple data objects and actions. The migration team must consider these factors when switching to a microservices-based system.
This planning will help you minimize issues and foresee challenges as you shift from a monolith to a microservices-based application. Let’s take a look at the process of migration:
Migrate component groups to macroservices (move component groups to separate projects and make separate deployments). Then, migrate macroservices to microservices. Repeat these steps until complete.
Ideally, you would want to migrate the components that are:
In this step, system architects will ask if two or more applications provide similar data and if they can merge them. They’ll also consider whether different data fields are missing similar objects.
Create a service catalog to list and manage different microservices. Before production, automate code checks for better quality, security, and reliability. Use the right tools to gain visibility and monitoring capability during migration.
You can use a micro-services-specific toolkit to include automated services with built-in monitoring and caching. Automating these aspects reduces errors while delivering real-time insights into migration.
Strong support from your business's leadership gives you confidence that you can achieve migration success while making tough choices. Make sure the communication is transparent and consistent, and every stakeholder is kept in the loop to convey the migration’s progress.
As you move forward, keep celebrating the milestones you achieve. This will improve your team’s morale and encourage them to move further with the process, giving them positive reinforcement.
Earlier, the code was supposed to be handed off to the operations team for deployment. Each team will manage development, deployment, and monitoring in a microservices environment. You’ll adopt a DevOps approach that encourages more ownership and accountability in a collaborative environment.
Gradually, let the teams move toward a culture that values more ownership. This will be pivotal to ensuring the long-term success of the migration. Throughout the process, ensure high reliability and stick to the standard. This will help you avoid service issues while your application’s functional quality doesn’t fluctuate.
Migration from monoliths to microservices is a considerable undertaking but has many benefits. Microservices offer greater flexibility and resilience with improved agility. However, not every organization needs to make the switch. Many legacy monoliths work just fine. But, as companies scale and applications grow more complex, the microservices approach helps streamline processes while making applications more scalable.
The trend toward distributed systems is driving many organizations toward microservices.
Learn more about how cloud migration software helps companies upgrade their systems.
Edited by Monishka Agrawal
Sagar Joshi is a former content marketing specialist at G2 in India. He is an engineer with a keen interest in data analytics and cybersecurity. He writes about topics related to them. You can find him reading books, learning a new language, or playing pool in his free time.
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