Are you leaving no stone unturned in your quest to impress a new business client, but still feeling that something is still missing in your approach?
Or maybe you're a fresh-out-of-college graduate still finding your way around this competitive marketing world?
Notwithstanding the profile and work-experience, every marketer strives hard to make a profit by sealing the deal, and, eventually, retaining the client for the long term.
As they say, "Customer is the king.”

A satisfied client is what enterprises aim for, but the ecstatic clients are straight out of every marketer's dream. It augments the conversion rate and, as a result, mitigates the bounce rate.
To achieve this, you have to work hard in exceeding the expectations of the customer. Use deliberate ploys. Not to say, avoid any faux pas that might impinge on your relationship with a client.
So, here are excellent ways that will leave an outlasting impression on your client, so much so that they will keep coming back for more.
1. Make it about your business client
Articulate your brand's policy in such a way that the client feels as if the whole thing is about them. You have no ulterior motive than to help the client.
Not that you won't earn any profit, but don't be so obvious about it.
This piece of advice has been beaten to death already, but it is so imperative that it warrants reiteration.
First and foremost, you're out there to help your client, then comes the profit. Remember that your customer is your paycheck. Once you make the client happy, the profits will follow automatically. So, every time you interact with a new client, make the whole affair about them. Politely state that rendering the best services and finding solutions is your ultimate motto.
2. Treat your client as a real person, not just a paycheck
I know, I said that the customer is your paycheck, and I'm not backing out from what I said.
However, the keyword here is "just." The client is not "just" a means to an end. Treat them like an actual person. Make some real small talk to make the client as comfortable as possible.
Most customer service scripts entail a rigid, "How are you?" at the beginning of the conversation, and, tada, then the marketer moves on to the business straight away.
While there is nothing wrong with this traditional approach, a majority of clients are likely to be more impressed by a more stimulating approach. Closely listen to your client's response, ask follow-up questions, and show some genuine interest in your client's life.
However, you don't want to come on too strong. There are a few business clients who aren't too keen on making small talk. In this case, follow a traditional approach. Exchange greetings and get down to the business.
3. The faster the better
We are fortunate to be living in an era where everything is available at our fingertips. However, it has some downsides. People are becoming so impatient that even when an otherwise instantaneously delivered Netflix video gets delayed, it becomes a subject of censure.
So, think of the repercussions if you promise to get back to your client within 24 hours or sometime this week. Doesn't feel right, does it?
The best way to go about this is by responding to your clients instantly, within a time-frame of a few minutes. Drop an email or a text. Even a quick Twitter interaction would suffice. If you're booking time to meet with clients, you'll look more professional if you use an online scheduling app. It saves time for both parties and ensures that they get reminders leading up to your meeting.
Walk that extra mile to woo your customers. This fast response impresses the client and shows them that you truly care about your customers and their plight.
4. Surprise and delight your customers
I hate surprises -- said no one ever. It's a given that even your clients will appreciate a nice surprise, and it need not be monetary. Try to surprise your clients by providing special offers. A first-time discount is a hit these days. Or you could go out of your way by providing additional service at the same cost price. Special occasions, like birthdays or anniversaries, can also be used as an excuse to surprise your client and make their day.
A simple gesture of largesse can go a long way when it comes to impressing a new business client. A recent survey revealed that 76 percent of consumers view customer service as the true test of how much a company values them.

Therefore, enterprises should pay special attention and efforts to provide top-of-the-line customer service.
5. Leverage your one speciality
A majority of businesses make the big mistake of setting the bar too high. Ever witnessed marketers claiming that their services are 100 percent perfect across every platform? Yes, that's what I mean by setting the bar too high because it's absurd and, not to say, impossibly unreasonable.
Rather than setting on a mission of excelling at everything, find your one speciality and shine at it. If you try to excel at everything, you might end up creating a mess.
For example, a food joint might serve the best sushi in the town, or your consulting firm is exceptionally good at providing financial advisory to business clients.
The saying goes, "Devil is in the detail," so find one special detail and constantly engage your clients around it.
Clients are the biggest asset that an enterprise has, and happy customers are like an extra icing on the cake. Therefore, it goes without saying that the customer should never be taken for granted and must be given an utmost importance.
If the client is new, try to give them something a little extra so as to retain them for a lifetime and create a lasting impression. A few words of eulogies from a client resonates further, earning you more clients. So, use the aforementioned tips to impress a new business client.
Tell us about your client experience? How do you successfully engage your new client?