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5 Clever Ways to Email a Recruiter and Get Their Attention

November 21, 2022

email to recruiter

If you’re like me, your anxiety spikes when hitting send on an email.

Combining this with the constant worry accompanying a job hunt makes for a dangerous combination. There's almost nothing more frightening than sending the wrong draft to a recruiter and ruining your chances at your dream role.

Employers and third-party recruitment agencies use staffing software with email integration capabilities to screen resumes, track candidate progress, and set interview slots. When everything is tracked and optimized, the process becomes easier.

If you've been wondering how to clench the opportunity you want, start out with writing email to the recruiter. This will not only break the ice but also increase your odds at your dream company. 

How to send an email to a recruiter

Personalize your email while getting in touch with recruiters. No recruiter wants to see a generic cold call email in their inbox. It shows that the candidate needed to care more to do research into the company or role they are interested in.
If you want to ensure a positive response from the recruiter you're emailing and move further through the talent acquisition funnel, keep these tips in mind.

1. Keep it concise

Recruiters are often stretched between many duties and typically have little time to review each applicant – even with resume parsing or recruitment marketing tools. It's usually difficult for them to edge out time for a "quick chat", so the more information you can provide in the least amount of time is ideal.

Quick and concise messages show that you respect the recruiter's time, and you're more likely to receive a response rather than put it in the "answer later" folder, never to be seen again.

2. Write with purpose

There's almost nothing more annoying than vague requests that only benefit you. Avoid the typical requests like, "Do you know anything about this role?" or "What available openings do you have?". These questions waste the recruiter's time and can be answered on the company's career page or job listings.

Explore the job description properly before emailing the hiring manager or recruiter. Learning about the company culture, making connections, or asking for feedback on your application materials are all valid reasons to reach out to a recruiter.

3. Catch more flies with honey

Remember that you're the one interested in a job opportunity. A recruiter's opinion of you as a candidate and person can mean all the difference in a job offer. Be kind, authentic, and firm in your approach so that the recruiter believes in your words. Cutting and pasting online templates for job roles or cover letters can only get you so far.

Staying respectful with your tone and requests shows that you're likely a pleasant and experienced person to work with.

4. Make it easy to respond

You should wait to write your email expecting to receive a job offer. Start with an introduction and a small request. Start with simple "yes or no" questions that a recruiter can answer as quickly and efficiently as possible rather than questions that elicit a lengthy response. You can dive into more profound questions, and requests as the conversation develop.

5. Have an out

At some point during the email process, you realize the job isn't the right fit. Don't come across as too desperate or that you're dedicating all of your job hunt efforts to one company.

By making it seem like you have other options (even if you don't), you're setting yourself up for a stronger position to negotiate from down the road.

Email format for job application

Some candidates play it smart in the never-ending hiring chase by writing consistent cold emails to recruiters. While this doesn't always guarantee success, some recruiters do consider it while shortlisting applicants. 

To craft a perfect email for a recruiter, here are a few creative practices to get you the opportunity you're looking for.  

1. Transparent email subject line: Expressing "the why" of your email in your subject line is necessary to substantiate your identity among thousands of others. 

2. Proper salutation: While addressing every recruiter, you can make use of informal greetings, like "Dear," along with "Mr." or "Mrs." to promote a sense of familiarity.  

3. Contact Source: An email looks genuine only if a candidates mention the source from where they extracted the contact information of a recruiter.

4. Educational qualifications: Describing your educational journey clarifies your objective to grow, learn and thrive professionally.

5. Work experience: Summarizing years of experience in a way that doesn't sound like jargon is advisable. Recruiters can always read your resumes, so elongating your emails sets a poor impression.

6. Call to action: Formulate an enticing call to action in the final leg of your email. Either you can ask for a response from the recruiter or for a future appointment. Remember, both parties have an equal share when it comes to benefits. 

7. Sign-off: Signing off in a positive stride puts you in the good books. You can also extend your application by providing project links or LinkedIn profile URLs. This helps the recruiter explore the ropes of your work and share it with the hiring manager.

To get a positive recruiter response, you need to learn how to write a professional email that doesn't sound artificial or cheesy.


of recruiters respond to emails with 75-100 words!

Source: Drip

Email examples for job application

When many applicants contend for new opportunities, the probability of getting selected reduces considerably. Recruiters are often on the lookout to choose crowd differentiators who are talented and unique. And they leave no stone unturned to ensure that.

These email samples check all the boxes of situations you might encounter in your job hunt. Use them as inspiration in the future, but remember to customize your emails based on the nature of the job role.

Job interest email example

job interest email

Follow-up email example

Follow Up Email Template

Referral email example

Referral recruiter email template

Response to recruiter email templates

If you receive a voluntary email from a recruiter regarding a job offer, plan out your next steps wisely. You want to avoid getting overexcited and exclaiming in your replies. But at the same time, you don't want to sound uninterested or bossy. Accommodate your skill sets in the email, so your recruiter is impressed and inspired.

Sample response email to a recruiter

Dear [Mr. or Mrs.] [Recruiter name],


Subject: Acceptance of interview for [job role] at [company name]


Thank you for reaching out to me regarding my interest in the [job role] position in [department name] at [company name]. I accept this opportunity as it aligns very well with my current expertise and future career goals. My passion and expertise towards [industry-type] as a [designation] would definitely be of tremendous value to [prospective company's] growth.


I have attached a copy of my resume for your perusal. Please let me know of your availability to discuss this further.



[Your name]

Requesting for a different position email

Unfortunately, sometimes recruiters from your dream company contact you for a different position you still need to sign up for. No matter the context, you must be kind and polite while typing a response.

Example of email to HR for a different position

Dear [Mr. or Mrs.] [Recruiter name],


Subject: Reconsideration of the role of [offered job title] in [company name]


Thank you so much for reaching out to me regarding the [offered job title] position in [department name] in your esteemed organization. However, I wish to jot down a quick note on this concern.


As my current roles and responsibilities at [current company] align more with the [current industry type], I request you consider my application for the position of [desired job title] instead. Please show me a second opportunity as a potential recruit for [desired job title] with [company name].


A copy of my resume is attached herewith. Please drop me a line in case of other requirements from my end.



[Your name]

When to email a recruiter

There is no specific incentive behind not emailing a recruiter for a job interest. However, certain situations flag this practice as some recruiters set essential protocols during recruitment. Some instances where it is okay to coordinate with a recruiter via email are as follows.

  • You checked out a job listing on LinkedIn or a job seeker profile, and it suits your needs.
  • A friend or colleague recommended a staffing agent or recruiter.
  • You came across local sourcing opportunities within your industry or city.
  • They contacted you first, and now you need to follow up.
  • You're waiting around on interview feedback.
  • You shared your resume and are corresponding to track your progress.
  • You connected with the recruiter in the past, but it didn't go through at that moment.

They'll "get back to you"

Building an initial bridge with potential recruiters can land you in your dream role much faster. Apart from a stellar resume, recruiters also look out for good spunk and talent in a potential recruit. Sending just the right sort of email checks all their boxes and makes their jobs easier. 

Hire hunting goes way beyond posting job vacancies. Learn how you can write a satisfactory job description that cuts through the noise of the talent market.

staffing software Fish the best out of the pool!

Streamline and scale your hiring workflows from start to finish with staffing software with email integration.

staffing software Fish the best out of the pool!

Streamline and scale your hiring workflows from start to finish with staffing software with email integration.

5 Clever Ways to Email a Recruiter and Get Their Attention Nervous about sending a cold email to a recruiter? Learn how to expand on your job search and increase recruiter responses with relevant email templates!
Derek Doeing Derek is a former G2 content associate. He can usually be found discussing pop music, politics, or digital marketing on the internet. (he/him/his)

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