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50+ Customer Service Statistics You Must Know in 2024

May 17, 2024

Customer Service Statistics

Globalization has brought a more competitive environment to any and every industry out there.

Good customer service is essential for any company, but how crucial is it? Customer service channels were not at all common a few decades ago, but today, they are important for any thriving company.

Cloud-based company phone systems have increased client expectations. With more customer service software tools at your disposal, the ceiling for a great customer journey is higher than ever.

Customer service statistics

New customers cost more and are harder to up-sell than existing customers. With that in mind, here are some vital customer service statistics rounding out why it’s more important than ever to have a great customer experience strategy.

  • 93% of customer service teams believe that there are more demands from customers than ever before.
  • Eight in 10 people regularly have negative experiences with customer service. Customers want improved prices and fees, product capabilities, and ease of use.
  • 68% of people feel brands should have personalized experiences in every interaction; the same expectation applies to customer support. 
  • Average weekly customer service issues have been up 20% since the start of the pandemic.

Brand building customer service statistics

The main obstacle that most businesses have is that they lack a clear plan for developing a customer-centric interactive strategy that would enable them to take advantage of possibilities like customer service to increase brand equity.

  • 7 out of 10 customers have stopped doing business with a brand due to a poor customer service experience.
  • 8 out of 10 consumers expect brands to do more than provide good customer service, such as giving money to good causes and addressing societal challenges.
  • Consumers are 5.1 times more likely to recommend a brand after an excellent customer service experience. They’re also 3.5 times more likely to purchase from a business after positive customer experiences. 


of customers said a positive customer experience over a particular messaging channel significantly improved their brand loyalty.

Source: Nextiva

  • Featuring customer reviews on a landing page can increase conversion rates by up to 270%.
  • Customer-centricity is a growing trend among companies known for great customer service, with 77% of front-line reps saying their company views them as customer advocates.
  • Nine out of 10 U.S. consumers are likely to use a business when responding to positive and negative reviews.

Positive customer service statistics

Did you know that almost two-thirds of consumers say they are more likely to forgive a mistake by a long-term favored brand than a brand they have only done business with for a year or less? Have a look at why good customer service is important.

  • 63% of consumers say they’d be willing to share more information with a company that offers a great experience.
  • Consumers who report a good customer service experience are 38% more likely to recommend that company than consumers who received bad customer service.
  • 94% of consumers who give a company a great customer service experience rating are likely to purchase more products or services from that company in the future. 


of customers say they’re more likely to make another purchase after a great customer service experience.

Source: Salesforce

  • 68% of customers expect brands to demonstrate empathy in communication channels. 
  • Increasing customer retention rates (lower customer churn) by 5% increases profits by 25-95%.
  • 78% of customers expect a brand/product to have self-service options over traditional customer service channels.

Negative customer service statistics

Poor customer service can have a negative impact on your company's reputation. When clients receive poor service, they frequently go to social media to express their dissatisfaction. The message is quite clear: In today's digitally linked world, you cannot afford to ignore these annoyances.

  • Bad experiences cost businesses $4.7 trillion in global consumer spending every year.
  • 42% of consumers would pay more for a friendly, welcoming customer service experience.
  • 37% of consumers abandon a purchase or post a negative review with a poor digital shopping experience.
  • Only one in five customers who gave a company a poor customer service experience rating are likely to purchase more goods from the company in the future. 


of Americans report “lack of effectiveness” as their top frustration with customer service reps. 

Source: Statista

  • Only 15% of those who gave a company a “very poor” customer experience rating are likely to forgive a company for a bad experience.
  • Providing bad customer service risks $494 billion due to customer churn and brand damage.
  • Dissatisfied customers tell twice as many people about their poor customer service experience than those with a positive customer experience.

Customer feedback statistics

What customers anticipate and have experienced when dealing with a company might be better understood through customer feedback. With that customer data in hand, the business can focus on what matters most to its customers: making informed decisions.

  • More than 4 in 5 customers expect to immediately talk with a customer service agent when contacting a company.
  • More than two-thirds of customers say they want an organization to “reach out and engage with proactive customer notifications.” 
  • 57% of service professionals believe automated voice assistants will become a top customer communication channel.
  • 71% of customer service employees say switching between multiple communication channels has made it challenging to meet customer needs.
  • Customer feedback data is rated the most useful data source for B2B (39%) and B2C (42%) for marketing effectiveness. 

Social media customer service statistics

Today, social media is a critical and rapidly growing contact channel within the entire customer service ecosystem. Since it’s a preferred mode for issue resolution by several customers -- due to its accessibility and brand connect, effective customer service will meet your customers’ needs and even give your company a competitive edge.

  • 48% of consumers expect a response to social media questions and complaints within 24 hours.
  • 18% of consumers expect a response from a company’s social media within one hour of their message. 
  • 49% of customers’ social media complaints go unaddressed by businesses. 
  • Companies respond to social media users faster, with 59% of responses happening within 15 minutes.

AI and customer service statistics

As technology continues to evolve, we’re seeing new ways that artificial intelligence (AI) can enhance the customer experience. Your support personnel may improve efficiency, respond faster to client queries, and even predict their requirements with the aid of chatbots and sentiment analysis. 

Have a look at some customer service statistics with AI.

  • 1 in 3 decision-makers implementing AI state that predicting customer needs and delivering personalized experiences is a key consideration to drive ROI. 
  • Classifying service issues with AI and automatically routing incoming customer contacts increases contact center agent productivity by 1.2 hours a day.
  • Nearly two-thirds of customer service tasks and up to 70% of contacts can be automated with AI-powered solutions.


of businesses consider automation necessary in their customer experience strategy.

Source: Verint

  • 54% of customers have had a poor customer service experience when engaging with a chatbot.
  • 71% of Americans would rather interact with a human than a chatbot or automated process.

The golden rule - the customer is always right

Customer satisfaction is the key to growing your business. Whether you’re just starting a small business or growing your company to 1000 employees, the tools you use to build and engage with them in their experience are extremely important in helping the customer understand that they are your priority.

Intrigued about customer service tools? Explore knowledge base software to store and organize information for your business.

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