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Understanding Chronic Stress (+9 Tips for Reducing Stress)

July 8, 2019

The world is fast-paced with no signs of slowing down. 

We are constantly running. Running to meet our deadlines, meet the promises we made to others, meet the promises we made to ourselves. Because of this, we as a society are under constant pressure.

In this cruel world, we are so involved in our tasks that we forget to do some healthy habits and other essential things in life. Breathe. Give it a rest.

Stress is a significant problem that is faced by most individuals. It is an abnormal pressure. Sometimes, the fear we have is a positive one, which is called Eustress. That is beneficial to us as it releases an adrenaline rush, which helps to complete our deadlines and tasks.

On the contrary, there's something called chronic stress, which is not good at all. 

Understanding chronic stress

Anything that happens for an extended period is categorized as chronic. Similarly, chronic stress extends for some time, which is not temporary. It affects both our physical and psychological well being. It causes many different problems, such as anxiety, muscle pain, depression, insomnia, nausea, high blood pressure, and even a weakened immune system. Chronic stress raises insulin, which drives relentless metabolic dysfunction.

If chronic stress is not treated correctly, it can lead to more significant diseases, like depression, obesity, and even major heart diseases. They are extremely serious and needs to be handled immediately.

Symptoms of chronic stress

Have you ever had a friend or loved one tell you “I feel stressed?” It doesn’t have to be those exact words. I can be anything from I can’t get out of bed, I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I don’t want to talk to anyone.

These may be symptoms of stress. Not necessarily chronic, but it can be a start. Some of the symptoms of chronic stress are acne, sickness, chronic pain, headache, no appetite, changes in libido, lack of energy, insomnia, sweating, and rapid heartbeat.

9 tips for reducing stress

Interested in reducing your stress, but unsure where to start? Keep reading for some tips on lowering your stress.

1. Challenge yourself

No one understands the pain that you are going through. During a period of chronic stress, you are constantly overthinking. Because of this, there are different challenges that you need to allow yourself to do each day.

  • Get out of bed and prepare a to-do list
  • Spend as much time relaxing and finding peace within yourself
  • Work every day to quit bad habits

2. Call out to people

It’s okay to ask for help. Reach out to your friends or even family members. Tell them how you feel about yourself. While it can be difficult to open up to people when you have so much going on, it is always advisable to share your burden.

You can tell them you are having a tough time, maybe they also felt the same way a few years ago, and they dealt with it. It is normal. Perhaps they can guide you well. You don't need to suffer alone.

3. Indulge in learning new skills

Have an interest in learning guitar? Have you wanted to learn baking for a long time? Or how about calligraphy? This is the time to learn new skills. Do something that you like.

Lilly Singh, popularly known as Superwoman, is one of the most famous YouTubers in the world. She has a Ph.D. in psychology and admitted that there were days when she didn’t have an interest in doing anything at all. She was stressed and depressed.

That’s when she turned to making YouTube videos. They were simple and even though they didn’t gain recognition in the beginning, she enjoyed it. This also helped her to overcome stress. And now she has just under 15 million subscribers.

4. Give your body some time

It’s always a good idea to exercise. Going for a brisk walk or another aerobic activity can increase your energy and even help you to increase your concentration level, and it eventually helps you to reduce the anxiety.

Physical activities will increase your body’s production of good-feeling endorphins. It is a type of neurotransmitters in the brain that decreases the production of stress hormones. Jog, run, or start going to the gym. When you embrace your body you will eventually embrace your life.

5. Food for thought

Start eating a healthy diet. It can be difficult at first, but once you are set, you can do it. Eat a whole meal of protein, healthy fats, leafy and cruciferous vegetables, berries and non-gluten grains. You should also cut down on caffeine, alcohol, and other junk food that may not be beneficial for your health. Good food helps to control your metabolism and reduces stress.

6. Sleep 

Those who suffer from chronic stress often say that they cannot sleep at night. They often experience insomnia and lie awake at night in front of the television or on their phones.

You need to have at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. While this can be difficult, there are some tips that you can consider before sleeping.

1. Always keep your phone down 40 minutes before your sleep. This helps to stay away from social media.

2. Eliminate television or laptops from your bedroom, this way you don't stare at them in the middle of the night.

3. Wind down your work 1 or 2 hours before you sleep and do some of the activities that you like, listen to calm music, meditate, have a nice bath, drink warm milk, read a good book.

4. Do not eat a hefty meal or indulge in a very intense exercise before sleeping.

5. If your thoughts are disturbing you, write them down.

Related: If your frequent iPhone notifications are keeping you up at night, learn how to activate your iPhone's do not disturb feature. 

7. Have a positive attitude

Choose to go through life by looking towards the bright side. Be positive about the circumstances you encounter. You might know that the conditions are not in your hand and this may cause you to start stressing. Give yourself a break and see what you can need to calm down. Be optimistic in life and set more realistic expectations for everything you do.

8. Meditate 

Just like your body, your mind needs to do its exercises. Once in a while, you should close your eyes and relax. Meditate and do yoga. Take deep breaths and rest entirely. You will feel different after every session.

9. Visit a psychologist

Even if you’re doing everything right, you may not be feeling any different. If this is the case, visit a professional. Doing so is just like visiting a doctor for medical help. Consult them and they might tell you some different techniques depending on your behavior. That can help your health overall.

Related: Take your mental health one step further with our list of the best mental health software on the market. 

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Take chronic stress seriously

Chronic stress is severe and needs to be treated on time. Control your thoughts, talk to people, and maintain a healthy lifestyle to stay fit. Chronic disease will take time to recover, but once it does, you will begin to feel better.

There will always be pressure in your life, but choose to work in a world of constant competition and being the best is what everyone wants. Even still, sometimes things don’t fall as you wanted it to be. But that’s okay.

People nowadays have understood the concept of stress and have even started groups and organizations where you talk about your problems and insecurities, which can help in the long run. Talking it out can sometimes be the only solution for our problems.

If social media is playing a part in your chronic stress, take the necessary steps to better yourself and learn how to delete social media altogether. 

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