Tanuja Bahirat

Tanuja Bahirat is a Content Marketing Specialist at G2. She has previously written for the ed-tech industry and currently specializes in Data De-Identification, DDoS protection, mobile data security, cloud directory services, DNS security, runtime application self-protection, and network security policy management among other security categories to provide valuable information to readers. When she's not busy writing, she can be found attending local concerts, exploring cafes, trying her hand at baking, or binge watching series.


What is Data Labeling? Unlock the Power of Machine Learning

Ever wondered how machines learn from the data we feed them? It’s not a simple case of writing...


10 Best Free Word Processing Software in 2024

We’ve all written emails, college essays, and articles and maybe even dreamed of becoming published...


13 Best Free Home Design Software in 2024

How many hours have you spent saving reference pictures and creating Pinterest boards?

Industry Insights

Designing Success: G2's VP Dane Howard on the Art of Product Experience Design

Design goes beyond aesthetics. In a world where the intersection of technology, innovation, and...


What Is DKIM and How Can It Boost Your Email Security?

Have you ever received an email from a trusted source that turned out to be a malicious phishing...

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