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Soundarya Jayaraman

Soundarya Jayaraman is a Content Marketing Specialist at G2, focusing on cybersecurity. Formerly a reporter, Soundarya now covers the evolving cybersecurity landscape, how it affects businesses and individuals, and how technology can help. You can find her extensive writings on cloud security and zero-day attacks. When not writing, you can find her painting or reading.


15 Landing Page Examples For All Your Marketing Goals

Let's have a quiz. How many visitors who land on your website honestly do what you want them to do?...


The State of MarTech: G2 Data Reveals Latest MarTech Trends

The MarTech industry is fast-growing, fast-evolving, and a bit overwhelming. A new tool crops up...

Accounting & Finance

Contribution Margin: What Is It and How To Calculate It

As a business owner, you always want to know how much goes into making your products. From...


How to Write Out-Of-Office Messages (+15 Free Templates)

Day in and day out, you show up to your job and work hard, so you and your team hit your goals. Now...


What Is Digital Identity? How to Create a Secure Digital ID

Who are you?


The State Of Generative AI In The Workplace

Generative AI is here to stay, and employees are using the new tech big time.


15 Best Free Data Recovery Software in 2024

Remember that sinking feeling when you realize you've accidentally deleted an important file or...


4 Experts Share How AI Is Transforming Healthcare in 2024

You go to the hospital for a routine checkup. When you enter the doctor's office, reception quickly...


90+ Advertising Statistics To Inform Your Ad Strategy in 2023

Print, television, Google, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, email, video, audio, apps, websites - the...

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