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Kristen McCabe

Kristen’s is a former senior content marketing specialist at G2. Her global marketing experience extends from Australia to Chicago, with expertise in B2B and B2C industries. Specializing in content, conversions, and events, Kristen spends her time outside of work time acting, learning nature photography, and joining in the #instadog fun with her Pug/Jack Russell, Bella. (she/her/hers)


The Importance of Event Marketing: The Top Six Benefits

What are the benefits of event marketing? Well, that’s a little bit like asking what you want for...


How to Write a Post Event Survey (With 40+ Example Event Questions)

After endless days, weeks and months of planning your event has finally happened.


How to Make Name Badges: Types of Name Tags & Execution Tips

Event name tags seem easy enough. Right?


9 Networking Tips to Overcome Nerves and Build Your Brand

Okay. Time for full disclosure. I’m not cool.

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