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Jordan Wahl

Jordan Wahl is a former content manager at G2. She holds a BBA in Marketing from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. She loves anything that puts her in her creative space. including writing, art, and music.


Snapchat Streak Rules in 2020 (+How to Recover a Lost Streak!)

I’d like to think I’m pretty good at Snapchatting – so good that I’ve been told I’m “on fire.”


How to Make a Snapchat Group With Your Favorite Friends

What’s better than Snapchatting one of your friends? Snapchatting multiple of your friends – all at...


9 Healthy Habits to Adopt in 2020

I’ll be the first to admit – every year when the new year rolls around, I make big plans to work on...


Snapchat Friends: Everything You Need to Know in 2020

While some apps are overly complicated, Snapchat is not.


Spotify Wrapped 2018: Your Year of Music Wrapped Just for You

The holiday season is finally upon us, and you know what that means – lots of sweet goodies and...


Snapchat Emoji Meanings (+How to Customize Yours in 2020)

If you’re an avid Snapchatter, I’m sure you’ve seen the little emojis popping up next to your...


How to Tag Someone on Facebook (On Desktop and Mobile)

Facebook is easy to access on desktop and mobile, but constant updates mean that things sometimes...


How to Unblock Someone on Snapchat (+ What Happens After)

We’ve all experienced a time in our lives where we reach a high level of pettiness causing us to...


How to Block Someone on Snapchat (+ What Happens After)

There’s nothing worse than interacting with people that you dislike, am I right? I’m right.

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