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Five Trends from the 2024 Martech Landscape

May 21, 2024

2024 martech trends

As marketers, we're constantly juggling an ever-growing array of shiny tools and technologies to engage customers and drive growth.

That's why Scott Brinker's iconic Martech Landscape Supergraphic has become the marketer's go-to source over the years for demystifying what’s happening in marketing tech and how to make sense of it all.

Just over a year ago, I shared how G2 partnered with Scott and Frans Riemersma of MartechTribe to revamp what has now become the “Martech Map,” with enhanced filtering capabilities powered in part by G2 data. Easier than ever to slice and dice the landscape based on categories, ratings, company size, and more – marketers no longer strain their vision to see who’s included, who’s not, and what’s changed. The ability to dig in on your own, filtering for what matters most to you, has turned this busy landscape into a helpful tool. 

Now, with the launch of the 2024 edition earlier this month, I'm excited to dive into the latest trends shaping the martech space. Here’s what stood out to me:

  1. Explosive growth in martech solutions. The Martech landscape has witnessed a staggering 27.8% growth year-over-year, expanding from 11,038 solutions in 2023 to 14,106 in 2024. This surge reflects not only the increasing complexity of marketing needs but also the continuous innovation within the industry.
  2. Generative AI powers personalization at scale. One of the most striking developments is the rapid rise of generative AI for creating customized content and experiences. As Scott notes, there are now over 1.8 million AI projects on GitHub, with countless applications for hyper-personalized marketing. And as we saw in G2’s latest State of Software Report, AI is powering growth across the entire SaaS landscape. 
  3. Cloud data warehouses are taking center stage. Marketing teams are increasingly tapping into cloud data warehouses as a centralized hub for customer insights. This allows them to activate data for more targeted campaigns and a unified view of the customer journey.
  4. Ecosystems and communities have gained prominence. With fragmented environments, we're seeing vendors prioritize integration and collaboration through ecosystems and community-building. This interconnectivity is key for delivering seamless customer experiences across solutions. The need for seamless integrations was also a key takeaway in our 2023 Software Buyer Behavior Report (2024 version coming soon!). 
  5. There has been a rise in no-code creators. Low-code/no-code platforms are empowering more marketers to create apps, websites, and campaigns without deep technical skills. This self-service approach to martech is a major driver of innovation from in-house creators (or “citizen developers”).

​​Of course, having an objective lens into this ever-shifting martech universe is invaluable. That's where resources like and G2's taxonomy – including our 65 marketing categories – can serve as helpful guides as you assemble your ideal stack.

If there's one thing we can predict, it’s that the martech landscape will continue to evolve, as new innovations emerge, consolidation happens, and our needs as marketers shift. But rather than fear the unknown, I encourage my fellow marketers to embrace the potential.

Keep exploring new solutions, but be sure to arm yourself with trusted resources that lead to confident decisions that set you and your teams up for success.

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